Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22 — Dinar Recaps (2024)



Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody, to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, December 20. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Again, everybody, wherever you're located all over this beautiful globe of ours in this week of Christmas. And I want to thank everybody for listening and for being here for us tonight. We're glad to be here for you. And I think we're gonna bring some pretty good information and some pretty good feelings to everybody tonight in this pre Christmas week.

Guys, I'll tell you - this is interesting - today's the 20th - winter solstice tomorrow afternoon, 4:46pm. Eastern Time - And do you think it might be appropriate for us to get started? Maybe? Well, here's the thing.

Let's see what I want to bring tonight a few little concepts that are gonna make sense. But let me go right now to bondholders.

You know, we've talked about but not too much about bonds, but you've got yellow dragon – golden dragon, Red Dragon bonds and there’s probably others - those three all release so those funds could be sent to those bonds sellers accounts today at around noon, Eastern time - proximately noon.

Those funds did make it into the accounts – now the German bonds, which were done through Bank of America. I just found out 30 minutes before the start of tonight's call that the German bonds were released at approximately seven Eastern tonight - actually could have been even closer to eight o'clock Eastern - those were released into the accounts of the German bond sellers so that came a little later, about eight hours later. And that was a great message that we got that those had in fact gone in.

Now - here's the deal about the spending. Some of the bondholders had received monies but they were limited on what they could spend until we got started with our exchanges. And some of the bondholders had availability to spend up to $180,000 which sounds like a lot of money right now but in terms of billions of dollars for the bonds it's not a whole lot.

So they got access to that. And they're gonna get access to the remaining part of the 1% when we go and do our exchanges. So let's say you had 5 billion as your 1%, which is very possible.

Okay, let's take, let's say 1 billion was your 1% and you had 100 billion come from your bond sales total. That remaining 180 thousand from one billion is what you would have just to start investing, spending, buying whatever you want to call that when we start so, there's sort of a little bit of an idea of a shotgun start in terms of spending at the same time in terms of what we get what they get.

They've been holding back Tier 3 bondholders for so long. They've been waiting as long or longer than we have a good sense, just as long - because we're all going to be released at approximately the same time.

So let's talk about us when we get started, and I'll talk about that in a second. When we get started with our exchanges, and you know, everything goes into our quantum account, even if it's currency, even if it's zim, whatever it is, it goes into our quantum account, which is a safekeeping account for us - a non interest bearing held by the United States Treasury.

So let's talk about us when we get started, and I'll talk about that in a second. When we get started with our exchanges, and you know, everything goes into our quantum account, even if it's currency, even if it's zoom, whatever it is, it goes into our quantum account, which is a safekeeping account for a non interest bearing held by the United States Treasury. But it is virtual it is digital, but it's backed by real gold it’s backed by our currency which is the USN it’s about 90 plus percent gold backed.

Alright so it's a secure thing. Somebody put out something the other night or other about, you know, contact your bank to ensure your funds. Forget that. That's ridiculous. First of all, your accounts are insured in a sense by our US Treasury. There's no reason to reinsure it or to insure it with FDA. FDIC is going away. Oh, they might keepthe sticker up in the bank for a while, but FDIC - No, it's not even applicable to us.

First of all the limits were 100,000 250,000. We wouldn't walk across the street for $250,000 after this goes. I'm being facetious of course. But the idea is FDIC - forget about it. Again, forget about it - doesn't exist, doesn't exist for us.

Now, here's what would happen. All right, let's say we do our exchanges. You've got some zIm. You've got other currencies, whatever it is, on an account. You got quite a bit in there. And then you've got projects, and you've got companies or LLC, limited liability companies like I've got whatever you've got set up; If you've got a company, they would want you to transfer as much as $1.2 billion into a company accounts.

I told you guys last time, I'm setting up secondary accounts below my primary account with Wells Fargo. Four the secondary accounts, at least to handle each one of my project names, LLC’s for each one. So each one could take 1.2B to in the primary account. – I’ll probably do it – take it easy – go with one billion in each of those 4 and keep one more in the sos called “primary” account

One but for that five, the in the private in initially coming out of the quantum. Okay, you with me? would make quantum as a lot primary guests, whatever you transfer in, and then they and that's for the first 90 days. Now, what really counts is how do you spend or integrate or invest or whatever you're gonna call your projects? How do you do it? How do you spend that money in the first 90 days? That's what they're gonna be paying attention to.

That's what the quantum financial system will want to monitor and if you're being good, and you don't do anything nefarious, and you don't try to give anything that's not you know, that's not good. They see that you're considered a good boy or good girl in their eyes. Then guess what?

After that 90 day period, you're wide open, and they'll probably still monitor us and watch what we do from a quantum level. But the bracelets are off and you can now have access to all of your funds.

And you can bring money from the quantum - transfer into your primary or secondary accounts, and do that and continue to do that. you need to move some money to another bank, you can do that. All of that. it's very, very doable. So there are no structured payouts for us.

I know I talked about it for a while. I know I talked about it. A long time. But it was started by Bank of America. And it wasn't about our exchanges. We're not under any structure, other than the first 90 days. We've got some very reasonable limits that are putting that are put on our accounts.

And I mentioned 1.2 billion I think is where they want us to max out per business or LLC or project name, whatever. Okay, you're gonna have to talk it over with the guys at the redemption Center and the ladies in the redemption center. If you don't understand it, or you have questions about it.

Okay, so structured payouts are only for bond holders or bond sellers and in this case, Bond sellers and platform trade participants.

Okay, people that are in a zim platform, for example, are going to get 20% of their funds upfront, and then the remaining 80% is going to be divided over 12 months. In that sense, it's a structured payout.

You see, in that sense, but it’s only literally a year. They get all of it within 12 months after their initial 20% is paid out to them.

Now, the bondholders are going to be on are some would have a similar payout. similar structure to what I just mentioned. And that won’t hurt them a bit. There'll be all excited, that won't be a problem.

There's going to be a big, big change goin on you guys. So listen, the bondholders received liquidity today and tonight and should have access to those funds - really tomorrow.

The information that we got today. Well we got one of our highly known sources says that this was in reference to the bond holders. This was talking about the bond holders or bond sellers. It said Get ready to pop the cork on the champagne. The party begins.

That's tonight. Get ready to pop the champagne cork tonight.

The party begins. And I think that's a great thing that would apply to the bondholders. Right? What about us? You guys are saying - yelling yelling at your phones. What about us already? Come on already? Alright.

Well, we are following closely behind and feel based on the information that we have that we should get notified tomorrow and get started - either tomorrow afternoon or evening as exchanges or start on Thursday. I know my preference is to be be notified tomorrow, set appointments and start tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Okay, that's a preference. I hope that's what happens. But it could mean that we set appointments tomorrow and start on Thursday. either way is a WIN - When we get the notifications by email from Wells Fargo It’s a WIN –

Now - Further to that we have the redemption center staff going in at 10:30 in the morning tomorrow - and that might be in time for our notifications to be coming out. let's say around - I don’t know this guys !! This is only me projecting. Maybe we get notified Tomorrow morning between 11 to noon. Maybe that occurs at the same time, in each time zone.

So we'll see how that works. We've heard about 10:30 to noon 11 to noon for a long time. Let's see if this is what happens tomorrow.

Now, I cannot absolutely call it. But this is as close to it as I can get, because of the fact that the bondholders were paid, and were sent their emails of liquidity.

So we're right on their tails. Right behind him – 12 - 24 hours later.

Yesterday, redemption center staff had meetings it started at 1:30 in the afternoon and went three and then have meetings after three that went until 7:30 at night. So they were busy yesterday. And yeah all the players are on the initial call, Treasury Secretary Minuchin - Judy Shelton – other key figures and then I believe the later calls were probably with the six major banks, international banks.

So there's been some catching up and sharing. I'm sure that took place I know they did finally settle in on a contract rate on the dinar which I cannot disclose, but it's quite high.

And you'll have to inquire about that because it's not going to be available for everybody. If all you had was dinar that's it. You could we make case for the contract rate. There is no highest negotiable rate on DONG There's no contract rate on dong .

But there's a very good rate - That is going to be way more than we thought the dong would support even years ago as some of the people that put up 47 cents on the dong for years and you know who I’m talking about when you see how ridiculous that is. When you see what the real rate is on the dong. Pretty amazing. Pretty amazing stuff.

I don't do rates you guys know I can't talk about rates and I'll tell you one thing all right I'll give you something - you guys remember we talked about Dr. Shabibi of Iraqi’s central bank - Remember when he spoke to the International Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC in 2012 - 10 years ago - and the question was asked by Blue Star what was the what did he believe the Iraqi dinar would support as a rate in US dollars and he gave that rate. We've talked about it since but three days ago I guess it was Sunday. Yes. Sunday. We had confirmation that we that the big screens had indeed exceeded that rate.

So if you remember anything about what we said in the past, you know what I'm referring to.

This is going to be a life changing event for us. We’ve got no structured payouts you guys and you know that we talked about perks - perks that the banks would have for us if we stayed with a bank or whether we change to a new bank, they're all gonna have perks, but the latest we heard from the Citibank for example is they've got the perks that they're offering all on one page. We had heard three and four pages of perks a while back

So it's not going to make or break us. We can buy and sell perks like day old bread, But the idea of getting something quote unquote, for free by being banking with a certain bank. It's kind of cool in a way pending what it is. And so that's something I think they're gonna send home with you - along with that 55 page book, you're not allowed to give money to.

So you can have one thing that do not, you know, 55 pages, of companies, of nonprofits of whatever people that are in this book that may be greater than 55 pages now that you're not to give money to - and then you'll get a list, maybe a page or two of perks that the bank will be offering you that you can take home and think about let your premier bankers know what to do as far as that goes.

But it looks like it's going to be very interesting. and there's one other thing I was told to tell you. I haven't gone into in great detail, but if you have injuries. If you've got oh gosh any number of diseases that are wrong with you, anything major you got illnesses - whatever it is like that. Let the people know, at the redemption center that you're interested in the med bed and you want to be considered for an appointment

They will keystroke something in as you're telling them this that will flag you as somebody interested into wanting to get into the med bed - And then they can be in touch with you about how to set that appointment up to do that when you go into the redemption center,

While we're waiting on notifications, and guys there's not a whole, a whole lot else I think that is germane to what we're looking for now, we're really just about there.

And we've talked a little about rates - we talked about the redemption center process. I'll tell you is, if you've got your projects, and you’re lined up and all set to make your presentation, it’s just gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun. And I think you can go in confident and be fairly comfortable presenting your ideas to strangers.

Otherwise this really appears will be our last call. We never know you know it's not over till it's over. Right? Well, the fat lady is warming up. I don't know guys. I think we're getting awfully awfully close. And it's great. We waited a long time. 18 years for me 11 years on the big call. You guys a lot of you guys have been with the big call since the first.

You know 11 years ago December 28 2011. And thank you for that. Thank you. Thank you for your faithfulness to come in and listen and catch virtually every call.

And we appreciate it. We appreciate that because it's kept us all going. It's kept all of us moving forward even though it's been a slow slog. It's been something that we've all enjoyed. So let's do this guys, let's say our good nights and our goodbyes. See what happens tomorrow, hopefully the information that I've got is good it still holds up and everything is moving, more or less like, like we anticipate.

And everybody if we don't see you Thursday, have a wonderful Merry Christmas. And we'll talk to you when we talk to you. Stay tuned to your emails because that's how we'll be contacting you after this goes. So Good night, everybody. God bless you. We'll see what happens tomorrow

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:16:10

The two previous call links were not posted early enough to be transcribed by WISERNOW but can be listened to in their entirety if interested :

Dec 15 2022 ReplayCLICK HERE

Dec 13 2022 ReplayCLICK HERE


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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22 — Dinar   Recaps (2024)


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