Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 16 1 16. Marion, Indiana, Chronicle June 2, 1967 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GRANT 'COUNTY PLAN COMMISSION GRANT MARION, COUNTY INDIANA COURTHOUSE' DATE: June 14, 1967 Time: 7:30 p.m.* Publio Hearing the petition of Maurice E. Martha L. Oyler for rezoning from Ag. to Location and legal description: Commencing at the Northwest of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty five (25) North, range Seven (7)' East; Thence East on the North line said Northwest Quarter distance of one thousand ty A five Hundredths (1,350.95) Three Hundred Fifty and feet, or to the East Line of the said Northwest Quarter; Northwest Quarter of the -afore: South on said East line tance of Two Hundred Forty or to a concrete 40 0 monument; and no-hundredths (240.00) feet, Thence West- -and parallel with the aforesaid North line of One Thousand Elghtyfive and Sixty hundredths (1,085.60) feet, or to concrete monument; Thence South and perpendicular to said North Line a distance of Four Hundred and redths (495.00) feet, or to concrete monument; Thence west and with aforesaid North Line distance of 1 Two Hundred Sixty-four and Thirty-six Hundredths (264.36) feet, or to a point on the West Line of the aforesaid Northwest Quarter; Thence North''on said West Line a distance of Sevan Hundred Thirty-five and hundredths (735.00) feet, or to the place of beginning: taining Ten and hundredths (10.45) Acres, more or less, and being a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty- five (25) North, Range Seven (7) East Pleasant Township, Grant County, a Indiana, and being subject to all legal highway rights-of-ways and drainage easem*nts.

This, being the Southeast corner of County Roads 500W and For the purpose of approval of Final Plat of the Northern Lights Subdivision. GRANT COUNTY PLAN COMMISSION George H. Rogers, Chairman E--June 2, 1967 MARION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MARION, INDIANA LEGAL NOTICE On Wednesday, June 14, 1967 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, Marion, Indiana, the Marion Board of. Zoning Appeals will hold on the matter of application filed by Auto Sale, 37th and the Bypass, requesting permission to expand the existing used car lot, which the petitionars are presently operating on proparty which is immediately to the south of the following described real estate: One Hundred Thirty four (134) feet off the entire North side of following described real estate, wit: Commencing at an iron alpe in the Range line.

which is 'ocated 193.0 feet North of a Brass Plug over the corner stone situatat. the Southwest corner of the Nest Half of the Southwest Quarter Section 18; thence conitnuing North along above said Range Line $34.0 feet to an iron pin; thence East 139.0 feet to an iron pin; hence South 434.0 feet to an iron ripe; thence West 139.0 feet to the place of beginning: containing 1.39 acres, more or less, and being part of the West Half of the vest Quarter of Section 18, 24, North, Range 8 East, in Center Township, Grant County Inliana and being subject to all legal ilghways. Common address of the property the corner of 37th Street and By-Pass. The public hearing will take place at the Sixth Regular Meetng of the Marion Board of Zoning Appeals scheduled to begin at 7:30 on the aforementioned date. nterested citizens may appear and 'oice their opinions.

The applicaion may be examined at the ofice of the City Plan Commission, city Hall, Marion, Indiana, during normal office hours. A. E. Suro Director of Planning 'Kliey, Osborn Harker Ittorneys 2, 1967 NOTICE OF MEETING OF GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW Notice is hereby given that the Grant County Board of Review will neet at 9:00 a.m., Monday, June 5, .967 In the Southwest Corner room In the first floor of the Court House, Aarion, Indiana, for the following purposes: "To hear complaints of owners of personal property, except such as originally assessed by he State Board of Tax loners. Ta hear complaints of of land or improvements hereon assessed in 1967 payable 1968.

To review all assessments and to quire as to the valuation, of the 'arious classes of property of parts hereof in the several townships and taxing units of Grant County. To review' applications for tax through mortgage, 65 ears and older, veterans and. JWS of veterans, blind. To correct the assessment and 'aluation of any property in such manner as will be the judgment he Board of Review, to make the valuation thereof just and equal. To do or cause to be done may be necessary to make all of assessment lists and all 'aluations 'comply with the provi.

lions of the taxing laws of the State of Indiana. to be done to equalize the 'aluation and assessment of ale properties for the year of 1967 payable 1968. T. Kiser Grant County Auditor -June 2, 1967 MARION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS LEGAL NOTICE On Wednesday, June 14, 1967; at 30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Hall, Marion, Indiana, the Mar.

on Board of Zoning Appeals will told public hearing on the matter an application filed by Ralph Spencer and F. Spenrequesting permission to erect two car garage, 22'x24' in size, excess of total lot coverage. the legal description of the proper. (y is as follows: Lot Number 385 In Marion Real Estate Company's First Addition to the of Marion, Indiana. The common address of the is 1428 Jeffras The public hearing will take place at the 6th Regular Meeting of the Marion Board of Zoning Appeals scheduled to' begin at 7:30 p.m.

the aforementioned date. citizens may appear and voice heir opinions. Than application may examined office of the City Plan Commission, City Hall, Marion, during normal office hours, A. E. Suro Director of Planning -June 2, 1967 I LEGAL NOTICES.


VELOPMENT COMPANY OF MAR. ION, INDIANA, INC. for approval the Final Plat of SYLVAN HILLS, Section 11, platted out of upon the following described estate, to-wit: Beginning at a spike in the cen. terline of Monroe Road, which. spike is 595 feet from the point of intersection of said Monroe Road centerline with the East line of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of tion 8, Township 24 4 North, Range 8 East; thence easterly and at right angles to said Monroe Road centerline distance -of 25 feet to an iron post which is the place of mencement, said place of commencement being the east corner of 'dedicate half right-of-way called Monroe Road as shown on the recorded plat of Section One of sald Sylvan Hills, Section One; thence Northerly at an angle of 125 degrees, turned East to North, a distance of 579.5 feet to an iron stake in the Southerly line of Lot Number 18 in said Section One, Sylvan Hills; thence Westerly at an included angle of 80 degrees a distance of 118 feet to an iron stake; thence Westerly at an external angle of 170 degrees distance of 75 feet to an iron pipe which is the corner of said Lot 18 and in the Easterly line of.

Sylvan Drive as dedicated in said Sylvian Hills, Section One, plat; thence Southerly and along said Easterly line of said Sylvan Drive a distance of 393 feet to an iron stake; thence Easterly and along a radius of 30 feet distance of 27.5 feet to an iron stake in the Norther. ly line of said Monroe Road as dedicated in said Sylvan Hills, Section One, plat; thence Southeasterly and along said Northerly line of said Monroe Road a distance of 231.5 feet to the place of commencement; Containing 2.2 acres, and being part of said North- west fractional Quarter of said Section 8, Township 24 North, Range 8 East in Center Township, Grant County, Indiana. Beginning at an iron pipe in the Westerly line of Sylvan Drive as dedicated in said Sylvan Hills, Section One, plat which iron pipe is 21 feet North of the centerline of said Monroe Road as dedicated in said Sylvian Hills, Section One, plat; thence Westerly at an angle of 81 degrees to said Westerly line of said Sylvan Drive a dis. tance of 180 feet to an iron stake which iron stake is 200 feet distant at right angles from said Westerly line and said Sylvan drive; thence Northerly and parallel to said Westerly line of said Sylvian drive a distance of 200 feet to an iron stake; thence north-easterly a distance of 174.5 feet to an iron stake; thence Easterly distance of 180 feet to an iron stake in said Westerly line of said Sylvan Drive thence Southerly and along said Westerly line of said Sylvan Drive a distance of 460 feet to the place of beginning: Containing 2.1 acres, and being a part of said North- west Fractional Quarter of said Section 8, Township 24 North, Range 8 East, in Center Township, Grant County, Indiana. and for rezoning said real estate to R-2 Residential Land Use been set for public hearing at above stated time, day and place.

George Rogers, Chairman Grant County Plan Commission Gemmill, Browne, Torrance Sisson Morin Attorneys for Petitioner E--June 2, 1967 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that Delor. es R. Jones and Earl J. Smith, Jr. were, on the 25th day of May, 1967, appointed co-administorators of the estate of Beatrice S.

Smith, deceased All persons having claims against estate, whether or not now sale, must file same in said court within six (6) months from the date lot the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 25th day of May, 1967. Ray Hickam Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court Nesbitt, Caine Diodore By: H. D. Nesbitt Attorneys E- May 26, June 2, 9, 1967 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO.

13346 ed motor vehicles will be at public auction pursuant to Chapter 157 of the 1957 Acts of the Indiana General Assembly, on June 5, 1967, at 1:00 P.M. CDT, at Hueston's rage, Rt. 2, Elwood, Indiana, at 2:00 P.M. CDT, at Miller Motor Sales, P.O, Box 296, Upland, Indiana, at 2.30 P.M. CDT, AT Bill Evans, 3027 S.

Washington Marion, Indiana. Titles may be applied for. PUBLIC INVITED. TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. HUESTON'S GARAGE 42497 Ford 1960 2 dr 42498 Ford 1954 2 dr 42499 Mercury 1955 4 dr MILLER MOTOR SALES 41795 Ford 1958 2 dr 41801 Plymouth 1956 4 dr BILL EVANS 41769 Mercury 1960 4 dr.

41770 Plymouth 1960 42140 Chevrolet 1957 2 dr BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES ERNEST BIXEL, COM. -May 31, June 1, 2, 1967 NOTICE OF SALE The following described abandon- MARION ZONING BOARD APPEALS OF Marion, Indiana LEGAL NOTICE On Wednesday, June 14, 1967, at 7:30 Council Chambers, City Hall, Marion, Indiana, the Marion Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the matter of an application filed by John W. Trice and Clarence Trice of 501 Wset2 10th Street and 1810 South George Street, Marion, Indiana, requesting permission to place a mobile home on property located at 1810 South George Street. The legal description of the property is as follows: Lots Numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Harvey and Fry's Addition to the City of Marion. The public hearing will take place at the Sixth Regular Meeting of the Marion Board of Zoning Appeals scheduled to begin at 7:30 on the aforementioned date.

Interested citizens may appear. and voice their opinions. The applicaton may be examined at the office of the City, Plan Commission, City Hall, Marion, Indiana, during nor. mal office hours. A.

E. Suro Director of Planning E--June 2, 1967 4. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "THE PEOPLE'S MARKET PLACE" (: IT'S SO TO PLACE YOUR AD. JUST PHONE 664-5111 VA AND CHARGE THE ADI PLEASE in case of error -advertiser must make correction before second insertion. The Classified Department is open from 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m. weekdays. Saturday 8 to 12:00 noon. CLASSIFIED INDEX Articles for Sale Apartments for Rent 74 Auto Accessories Parts Automobiles for Sale 11 Automotive Service 16 Beauty Services Offered 31 Boats Accessories 52 Brokers In Real Estate Building Materials 53 Business Opportunities 38 Business Places For Rent 75 Business Property For Sale 82 Business Services Offered 18 Campers and Accessorjes 52A Card of Thanks 2 Cemetery Lots 6 Correspondence Courses 42 Cottages- Resorts For Rent 79 Deaths Dogs, Cats, Other Pets Employment, Female 32 Employment, Male 33 Employment, Male- Female 34 Employment, Teenagers 35 Farm For Rent 76 Farm Land For Sale 83 Farming Implements 48A Farm Miscellaneous 48C Floral Tributes Funeral Directors 5 Garages For Rent 76A Grain 48B Houses For Rent 77 Houses For Sale 84 In Memoriam 3 Instruction Classes 43 Insurance Bonds 23 24 Lake Property For Sale 86 Livestock 48 Lost, Strayed Or Stolen 10 Lots For Sale 85 Machinery Tools 61 Motorcycles, Bicycles 15 Moving Storage 81A Musical Merchandise 62 Personals Plumbing Rooting 22 Poultry 49 Recreation 50 Rooms for Housekeeping 69 Rummage Sales 7A Salesmen 33A Seeds, Plants Flowers 63 Sewing Alterations 21 Situations Wanted, Female 36 Situations Male 37 Sleeping Rooms 68 Specials At The Stores 1 64 Suburban For Sale 87 To Exchange Real Estate 88 Trailers For Sale 51A Trucks For Sale 12 Trailer Spaces For Rent 51 Wanted Estate 89 Good Things to Eat 57 PHONE Marion 664-5111-Wabash 563-6800 LEGAL NOTICES MARION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS LEGAL NOTICE On Wednesday, June 14, 1967, the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on the matter of an application filed by John Duncan, West Second requesting permission to establish a trailer court on prem(ises known as Lots 4 and 5 in Marion, Indiana. The common address of the premises is 1816 West Mar.

ion Avenue. The public hearing will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, Marion, Indiana, during the course of the Regular Meeting of the said Board. Inter. ested persons may appear and voice their opinions.

The application may be examined at the office of the Marion City Plan Commission, City Hall, Marion, Indiana, during nor. mal office hours. A. E. Suro Director of Planning -June 2, 1967 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO.

13340 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that First National Bank in Marion was, on the 17th day of May, 1967, appointed Administrator of the estate of Joseph C. Carothers deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same In said court within six (6) months from the date the first publication of this tice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 17th day of May, 1967. Ray Hickam Clerk Grant Circuit Court Albert C.

Harker Kiley, Osborn, Kiley Harker Attorneys -May 19, 26, June 2, 1967. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE 13350 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that Alma H. Hopkins was, on the 1st day of June, 1967, appointed trix of estate of Hobart D. Hopkins, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same in said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this tice or sald claims will be forever barred.

Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 1st day of June, 1967. Ray Hickam Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court Gemmill Browne, Torrance Sisson Morin, Attorneys E--June 2, 9, 16, 1967 NOTICE TO HEIRS, LEGATEES AND CREDITORS NO. 13186 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT 'COURT April term, 1967 ESTATE OF Walter Swisher Deceased Notice is hereby given that Glenna Vivian Bralthwaite as isrtatrix of said estate, has filed her account and vouchers In final settlement of said estate, and her petition praying the court to allow said account and order distribution of said estate, and that the same will come up for hearing and action in said Court on the 21st day of June, 1967, in the court house in Marion, Indiana, at which time all heirs, legatees and creditors of said estate are required to appear and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be allowed, and distribution of the estate be made as prayed for In said petition; and all the heirs, devisees legatees of sald docedent and sald estate, and all others interested, are hereby required to appear at sald time and place and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of sald estate. Glenna Vivian Braithwaite Administratrix Thurman A. Biddinger Attorney E--June 2, 9, 1967 4 FAMILY WANT AD RATES Lines 1-Time Til $1.50 $3.00 2.00 4.00 5 2.50 5.00 6 3.00 6.00, 3.50 00 4.00 8.00• 9 4.50 9.00 10, 5.00 10.00 weeks maximum) Coming Auction Sales SALE EVERY MONDAY p.m.

Auction. 18th Meridian. H. Penrod. ser Ed Johnson, owner.

EVERY FRIDAY. NIGHT 7:30 p.m. Furniture, appliances misc. at Puckett's Merchandise Mart, 27th Bypass. Puckett Son Auctioneers PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday W.

9th. Goodyear tires, Del. night, June 3, ON p.m. sharp. 413 CO Next batteries, mufflers, lots of service station merchandise.

Also several hundred gallons of paint. Val B. McLeary, owner. Millspaugh Auction auctioners. BIG Public Auction.

Saturday night. June 3, 7 p.m. 413 W. 9th. Household goods, antiques, tools, curved glass china cabinet and misc.

Alice Hall estate. Col. J. C. Millspaugh auctioneer.

662-2921. SATURDAY -June 3, 1967. 1 p.m. Located miles east of Con. verse and miles north on road 900 or mile north of Richland Chapel.

Church. Antiques, household goods, tools and truck. Ernest "Buck" Smith. J. Fred Millspaugh, Acutioneer.

SATURDAY 3rd. Time 10 a.m. Located at 16 Logan or 4 blocks north ot court house on U. S. 31 and the 4th housc west on Logan in Peru, Ind.

Antique Furniture, lots of antique dishes, sale under tent. Robt. P. Bearss and Edwin C. Bcarss, owners.

Wilbur T. Clair, auctioneer. THURSDAY--June 8th, 1967, 7:30 p.m. Located at 3719 So. Wash.

ington St. 3 full housefuls of good used furniture, rooms. Every piece of furniture known to be used in' a home. Auctioneer, Col. L.

M. (Boat) Boatwright. FRIDAY, June 9 at 5:30 p.m. Located 324 S. Main St.

Fair. mount. Refrigerator, lamps, tables, fans, washing machine, hospital beds. Della Bickel Estate. Everett E.

Corn Lora Puckett. auctioneers. SATURDAY June 10, 1967, time 10:00 a.m. Located at 544 lock Huntington, Indiana. Antique dishes furniture.

Mr. Mrs. Clarence Whitelock, owners. Rudicel, Mclirauy, Harris Wells, auctioneers. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Notices BRAMMER -James 4519 So.

Wigger Street Jay, Swift Storey KENNEDY-Mr. Paul D. 1003 So. McClure Street Needham Son Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS The family of Albert Adamson wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown to us at the passing of our dear husband, fath. er, grandfather and great grandfather; to all who donated food; and for the many beautiful floral pieces.

A tribute to our Doctors Max Long and Henry Fisher; our Pastor and his wife, the and Mrs. Heskie Thompson, your -thoughtfulness will never be for gotten. Wife, Sarah, Children, Grandchil. dren, Great Grandchildren and Sister and Brother. In Memoriam In loving memory of "Mom." Edna Fern Hayes, who passed away June 2, 1966 and "Dad," Elmer Hayes, who was laid to rest June 2, 1951.

Sadly missed by sons daughters Funeral Directors NEEDHAM SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams St. JAY, SWIFT STOREY Gas City and Jonesboro 674-4647 674-3877 DIGGS-Funeral Service, Inc. Worthy of a Sacred Trust 504 West Third Phone 662-2503 OWEN WEILERT Funeral HomeServing as we would be served 2722 S. Washington Phone 664-5765 Personal NOTICE- will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after this date, June 2, 1967.

Roger Ertel 205 East Swayzee, "Ind. NOTICE Anyone seen loitering, fishing or swimming around Stan. ton Pit, will be prosecuted. drive your car or yourself to Florida for free trans. portation.

Phone 664-2650. ACID Indigesiton? Painful gas? Get now PH-5 tablets. Fast liquids. Only 98c. OSCO DRUGS, YOUNG -Couple with 4 children on small disability pension, needs used turniture including wringer washer.

662-6435 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P. O. Box 721 or Phone Can be reached by writingizsa Rent BELT MASSAGE MACHINES Our New Phone Number is 664-0721 AA RENTS 11th Bypass Rummage Sales 7A RUMMAGE SALE Monday Tuesday. June 5 6th. 8 a.m.

to 4:30 p.m. Men, women's chil. dren's clothes. misc. 335 South Hill, Fairmount.

12 noon to 6 pm. SAT: URDAY Rummage Childrens, adults, bed spreads, toys mis. cellaneous. State Road 18, 500 East, stone house North side. HUGE RUMMAGE '55 Pontiac; Friday Saturday 8 to 6.

918 West 9th Jonesboro. Refrigerator, cabinets, table, rock. lers, pillows, suit cases, men's clothing misc. 502 S. Boots.

FAIRMOUNT Rummage. gas space heaters: Fri. Sat. 8 to 5. 512 N.

Main St. Table chairs, headboards, men's wear, lots of rummage. Friday Saturday. 1417 West 4th Street RUMMAGE -Apartment gas stove, breakfast set other furniture. Some clothing.

314 East 36th. LARGE RUMMAGE- -Baby ture, studio couch, dryer. luggage carrier, electric water heater. miles east on 18. MEN'S, WOMEN'S, GIRLS- -Good clothes, shoes, misc.

Sun. 409 W. 8th. RUMMAGE SALE 81 Guine: vere, 'Westlea Addition. Children's clothing, evening dresses, stroller.

9 till 5. Fri. Sat. ANNOUNCEMENTS Rummage Sales 7A RUMMAGE -Friday, Saturday, Ar. tists' easels, lamps, children's and miscellaneous.

1320 Factory Ave. RUMMAGE-907 Estate St. Garage. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Good men women's childrens clothing.

All Misc. Thursday till Saturday Children clothes, uniforms, miscellan1810 Wilno Lincolnshire LIVING. roomi suite, bed, refrigerator, rugs, sofa, drapes, blinds, metal closet, misc. Starts Thurs. 2nd house ridian St.

on Old Kokomo Rd. RUMMAGE Wednesday till sold. Sponsored by "For You Group" and Mental Health. 1310 S. Maple.

LARGE Clothes, dishes, car bad, table chairs misc. 9 to 9 In garage. 1335 W. Nelson RUMMAGE In garage, to 9. 1131 West 6th.

RUMMAGE lots childrens clothes, Misc. Starts continuous. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 4010 S. Houck.

RUMMAGE SALE 1523 W. 6th St. 7:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Satur.

day. LARGE Rummage-ANTIQUES dishes, oak vanity, lamps, clock, silver ware, smoke stand, gossip bench chairs, 2 breakfast sets, 1 oak 1 metal. Radios, clothes misc. Spencer Ave. Saturday Sunday 9 a.m.

till dark. SATURDAY ONLY Children, adult clohting; all sizes. Toys, shoes, drapes, formals, misc. 2811 Patricia Lane, Rolling Hills. BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil.

but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1. Hook Drug Co. SIDEWALK Rummage sale. E.

Corn's parking lot in Fairmount. Sat. 9 to 4. Women's men's clothing, baby bed, springs, shoes, some antique dishes. GOOD- Rummage.

Friday 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sat. 8 to 12 noon. AMERICAN LEGION HOME, 9th and Adams Sts.

RUMMAGE -Misc. Chair, wringer washer, fruit jars. 617 River Jonesboro, CLOTHES Toys, gas dryer, TV trays, roastre, misc. 714 Tippy Dr. (Off East Bradford).

FRIDAY Sat. Books, bikes, vacuum sweeper etc. 3010 Patricia Lane, Rolling Hills. 664-6721. GOOD clean summer rummage.

Infants adults. Bedding, radios, misc. 121 S. Marion, in Garage Wednseday till sold. CHILDRENS adults clothing, furniture, misc.

Fri. Sat. 2625 W. 9th St. 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. In garage. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST Brown rimmed eye glass es with pearl chain. REWARD. Phone 664-5432 REWARD For return- Gold can billfold stolen Saturday Nite important license papers need.

ed. Phone 664-9864 after 4 p.m. or contact at 312 West 20th Street REWARD For return of gold billfold. Lost over month. License Is needed badly.

662-1391. LOST -White female cat. Vicinity of 23rd Gallatin. Name "Sugar" Reward. 664-8404.

Lost white liver POINTER pup. South Marion. REWARD Phone 664-3214 LOST Near Jalapa. Black brown dog. May 14th.

Resembles co*cker. Phone 664-8493. WILL--Person who found billfold belonging to Clara please call again. Need contents." Reward. Phone 674-1545.

-White liver female POINTER PUP--South Marion. $25 Reward. Phone 664-7719 LOST Short haired black female cat, with white spots on throat and stomach. Answers to Granny or blacky. Children's pet.

RE. WARD. 711 W. 6th Call 662- 8851. LOST Brown billfold.

Need contents. Reward. Downtown. P. 0.

Box 873. Phone AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 11 '66 FORD power steering brakes, automatic. Take over ments. Phone 674-1838. '62 Black Corvair Monza Clean, low miles, radio, whitewalls, bucket seats.

Sacrifice $475. 674-1533. Dress your car with seat covers from YORKIES seat cover shop. 2nd Bypass Phone '61 FORD 2 door, V-8, stick shift. Nice.

$495 TRADING POST AUTO CENTER 38th Lincoln Blvd. 674-7091 '66 GTO $2,200. 1 owner. Maroon with black interior bucket seats. Call 662-6878.

'62 GALAXIE 406 4 speed, baT. anced engine, Belanger headers, shield, Schiefer assembly, 4.86 gears, much more. Immacu. late inside out! Ready to race. Phone 998-7185.

1965 FORD CUSTOM Good shape. $1,200. Phone 662-2020 after 5:30 p.m. '56 CHEVY-Automatic transmis. sion, good tires.

$100. Runs good. See at 708 E. Bradford. '61 GALAXIE FORD 500 Hardtop Phone WI 8-5628 '63 CROWN IMPERIAL 2-door hardtop with air conditioning $1,995 and AUTO SALES 37th So.

Bypass Phone 674-7116 '62 DODGE Lancer 6 stick, $395 '62 VALIANT 6 stick, $495 '62 CHEVY Impala, V-8. $845 '61 PLYMOUTH 6, automatic $445 '61 MERCURY 6, automatic $495 '61 BE DODGE V-8, automatic $495 BOB'S AUTO SALES 7th Bypass Phone 662-1600 '57 CHEVY Belaire. Good dition. $475. Phone 674-3604 after 4 p.m.

'65 PONTIAC-Catalina 2 door hard. 1op. automatic, radio, heater, power steering and Air conditioned. Burgandy with whitewall tires. One owner car.

$2,295 AUTO MART North on the Bypass 1328 Baldwin Phone 664-2491 FOR QUALITY USED CARS MUNSON'S PONTIAC, Inc. 312 West 2nd 662-2551 1962 FORD WAGON-6 passenger power steering, automatic. $650. Phone 998-2571 206 Taylor Street, Upland '65 CHRYSLER Newport 4-door sedan. Power steering and brakes Nice whitewall tires.

Dark blue. Local car. $1895 CENTRAL AUTO SALES 2522 St. Phone 664-3794 1964 PORTING Prix. 2-door hardtop.

Factory mag wheels, new whitewall tires. Black with black vinyl bucket seat interior. matic on the console. A sharple. $1895 MARION AUTOMOTIVE 2nd Adams St.

Phone 664-8026 '62 ST 4-door cylinder, automatic. Only 35,000 actual miles. Like new. $695 GRAHAM-YOUNCE FORD, Inc. Converse, Indiana Phone 395-3645 '65 FORD LTD.

4-door hardtop. Full power. conditioned. $1,895 HENRY'S USED CARS ByPass at 15th St. Phone The NOW CARS for '67 RAMBLER SALES, Inc.

38th Bypass Phone '63 FALCON- Has been modified. Sce at Grant Co. General from 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 1965 VOLKSWAGEN. Sun roof.

dio. Take over payments. Like new. 662-3686 after 6:30. LINCOLN MERCURY SALES GRICE MOTORS, INC.

1009 S. Washington. Ph. 1959 dio, LARK Needs repair, Studebaker $35. Phone with 674- 5268.

759 BUCK -Convertible $395 '60 PONTIAC-Bonneville $495 '62 CORVAIR 4. sp3ed $450 '60 DODGE -NIce $395 '60 CHEVY- Automatic $250 '59 CHEVY-Stick $225 '57 PLYMOUTH- Wagon $95 OTHERS AT 1016 N. BRANSON 64 CHEVY Impala convertible. Power steering, brakes, 327 ongine, 4 speed posa traction. $1,300.

664-7680 after 3 p.m. Wash. VOLKSWAGEN Authorized Sales, Service. Parts 1341 N. Baldwin (Bypass) 664-8037 SECTIONED 156 Ford with '56 Mercury motor, full race Weber cam, barrel.

$500. at 380 S. Carey. EXTRA VALUE USED CARS ECKMAN MOTORS, INC. Warren, Ind.

Phone 262 MUST SELL -Immediately. 1966 Bird. 9,000 miles. Imaculate condition. Call 662-8490 '64 PONTIAC Lemans speed, bucket seats, tach, gold with gold.

Interior. Like new, Call 662-7961 after 5:30 p.m. MUST SELL-'61 Chevy automatIC, 6 cylinder. Going overseas. 508 S.

Lenfesty. FOR THE BEST IN SALES and SERVICE, See COX FORD, Inc Gas City 1957 CHEVY-2 door. 8 cylinder. Automatic. $250 Call Lagro 782-2495 60 BIRD Take over payments.

Balance $756. New professional poker table. Seats 8, $35. Phone 674-5412. '59 ELECTRA-Convertible.

117. W. 14th See between p.m.-8 p.m. weekdays. 662-8885.

HIATT'S AUTO SALES Grant County's only Dodge Dealer 36th Bypass Phone 674-3394 1954 BUICK FOR $60. Phone 948-5306 1960 VALIANT 6 cylinder, stick shift. $225 or best offer. Phone 662-8114. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Brown with white top.

Call 664-2549 59 CADILLAC 4 door sedan. Fully equipped. Take over menis. 4507 S. Harmon.

'62 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop. Bucket seats, Hurst 1957 HE CHEVY-Wagon. 9 passenger. speed, best offer. $450.

664-7805. Good shape. 806 E. Charles. Phone 664-2649 MODEL A 1929 2 door.

ORIGINAL. $400. Runs good. Phone 664-9100 after 5 p.m. '66 BUICK Wildcat, power brakes, power steering.

Excellent condi. tion. 1104 Quarry Rd. 662-8894. '64 FORD Galaxie 500, 2-door hard.

top. Power steering. Light blue, sharp. $1,595 BOB CLINE AUTO SALES 3rd Branson. Phone '57 CHEVY-4-door.

$295 WOODARD AUTO SALES 13th Bypass Phone 664-0184 '59 PONTIAC-4 door, $100. See at 1310 South Gallatin after 5 p.m. 1960 CHEVY Convertible. A-T. Clean, fully equipped.

1 owner. See at 103 W. 17th St. ARMY BOUND MUST SELL 1966 BARRACUDA-6 cylinder, stick, 14,000 actual miles. 1016 Euclid Ave 662-8217 1959 PLYMOUTH Station wag.

on, good motor and transmission. $150. Phone 664-1328. $2,650 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door $1,450 See at 1720 Saxon Dr. or call 664-2594.

1963 CORVAIR: Monza Convert ible. Make offer. speed and radio. Phone 998-2458 766 CORVAIR-Stick '64 BUICK LaSabre $1,495 Each Phone 662-2955 1963 CHEVY-Biscayne. Standard shift.

Clean Inside and out. New clutch, brakes tires and new Atlas heavy duty battery. $700 cash. Thomas H. Pitzer, 701 North Boots Phone 662-2908.

SEE and DRIVE THE JEEPSTERS! JEEPSTERSI JACK OVERMAN SALES Wabash, Ind. Phone 563-1932 '55 CHEVY. Runs good. $75. 804 West 2nd.

'62 IMPALA Super Sport. 4 speed, 2 door hardtop, $150 down, take over payments, Call from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. 674-5420. 1967 MGB ROADSTER Wire wheels, radio, A-1, like new.

Contact Don L. Mitchell, 664-1231. MUST SELL '63 OLDS-Convertible, red, real sharp. Make offer. 502 W.

26th. WANTED TO BUYWrecked '61 PONTIAC Phone 395-3695 NEW GUARANTEE On all cars sold by GRANT COUN. TY AUTO CENTER at 2400 South Western Ave. No matter what happens to your car, it is guaranteed for 2 to 5 years on all parts and labor, anywhere in the United States. See us at once for a good trade.

1962 FORD- 500. Straight stick 6. Reasonable. Call 664.2140 after 6 p.m. '60 PONTIAC- Ventura 2.

door hardtop. Automatic, Power steering and brakes. Bronze wIth matching interior. $595 HODGE AUTO CENTER 1st Phone 664-7574 '63 CHEVROLET Convertible. Maroon with white top.

Automa tic 327. Good condition. $1,200. 507 Cherry Lane, Gas City. 1960 FORD Fairlane Runs good.

$200 126 West 20th Street 72 MERCURY Comet. Straight shift, '6 cylinder. Take over pay ments $23 balance $399. 662-1904. '58 NASH-Radio, now tires, new battery.

Seats let down. Call 664- 7623 after 8 Super Street Machine 1964 Dodge 425 cubic inch wedge, aluminum front end. Doug hedders, custom steering wheel, tinted windows, hood scoop, Torq-Flite transmission, 6,100 mlles. 100 miles on gine transmission. Financing available.

806 E. Charles. 664-2649. 1960 CHEVY Corvair 4 door, 6 cylinder, stick. 25 miles per gallon.

819 E. N. Gas City. Trucks for Sale 12 INTERNATIONAL Truck stock rack. Overhauled.

Phone 538-2142 C. J. Stout Summitville '65 JEEP WRECKER With over. loads, extra lights, camp field wonch, flashers, turn signals, wheel drive. $2,700, For ment Call Warren 452 before 3 p.m.

1953 ton, 4 speed, over. loads, top rack, utility bed, lot of locked storage. Tires: 2 almost naw 8 ply, 2 new 6 ply recaps, 2 almost new 6 ply mud and snow, 6 wheels. Good mechanical shape. 674-6407.

For O.K. USED CARS DON MARSHALL CHEVY, Inc. Upland, Ind. Dial 998-2570 TAKE YOUR 1965 ELECTRA 225 CONVERTIBLE AUTOMOTIVE Trucks for Sale 12 1963 FORD Pickup' Econo-line radio, heater; 3. speed, side boards.

Priced to sell. Phon Swayzee 922-7307. '51 INTERNATIONAL-2 ton truck. 16' Grain bed, good 9 25 tires, 5 speed transmission, $325. Phone 948-4663.

1966 DODGE ton. 4,800 actual miles. $250 equity take over payments. Phone 1965 HALF TON CHEVY PICKUP -Excellent condition. 20,000 miles Reasonable.

Phone 674-4475 after 5 p.m. 1954 FORD Omar Truck with ACCESSORIES 311 E. 9th St. 766 lb. G.W.

stake, bed truck with daybrook electric two-post hoist. 7,500 actual miles. Sacrifice at $2,495 MUNSON Marion Parking Lot 212 W. St. Phone 668-8254 TON -'51 CHEVY SELL OR TRADE PHONE 664-5889 155 FORD HO Pickup ton.

New paint. Stock rack. Good tires. Runs good. Cecil Floyd, 1 ml.

So. W. Banquo. INTERNATIONAL TRUCK Authorized Sales and Service A AUTO SALES 3804 S. Western Ave.

Phone Auto Accessories, Parts 13 352 FORD engine transmission $125. Phone 664-9835. SPEED STOCK parts for Chevy 265, 283, 327, 365; fuel Injection heads: dual sat up; Rochester fuel injection; 1 set 375 fuel jection pistons and rods; stick change overs; and much misc. equipment for sale or trade. Phone 662-8695 after 4:30 p.m.

weekdays. Motorcycles--Bicycles 15 HONDA-'50'. $150. Good condi. tion.

Excellent transportation. Phone 674-1252. 64 HONDA-New tires recondi: tioned. Phone 662-6862 '64 HONDA-250 Scrambler. Excel.

lent, new paint $500. 664-6781. Ben Loftis. CUSTOM MIN BIKE $125 Must See To Appreciate or 1512 Glendale Dr. Harley Davidson $300 Call 674-3977 1966 HONDA 300.

Dream. A-1 condition, actual mileage 350. Phone Wabash 1965 Small HARLEY DAVIDSON. sell or will take guns on trade. Ph.

536-R3 Warren. '67 HONDA Super 90. For Sale. Call WI 8-4610. '66 ALLSTATE 250CC.

Like new. For sale or will trade for riding garden tractor. 664-1734. 1966 YAMAHA 305CC GOOD CONDITION, $565 24" BOY'S Schwinn bicycle. $7.

Phone 664.7202. 63 TRIUMPH TR6 Original owner. 18,000 miles. Completely over. hauled.

Phone 662-2004 Service Stations 16 EXPERT MECHANICAL SERVICE On ALL Makes Cars and Trucks We Use Genuine Factory Parts DeVOE CHEVROLET and CADILLAC, Inc. 1 Block N. Of Bypass ON St. Rd. 15 Phone 664-1275 FORD HAWKINS FORD-SALES-Service-Parts FORD SALES 3rd Nebraska Phone 662-2561 OLDSMOBILE SERVICE EXPERT BODY WORK WYANT OLDS, INC.

230 West 2nd St Phone 664-5188 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 WELL DRILLING. Phone W18-4275 FAIRMOUNT WANTED TRASH TO HAUL ALSO LAWN MOWING PHONE 674-2746 ODD JOBS -Mowing, painting, pentry, what -have you. 664- 3759 or 662-7816. LET US PAINT AND TRIM YOUR HOUSE. Interior or exterior.

Free estimates, fully Insured. 674-7227. WE REPAIR Lawn mower Far. gines and other small engines. 5512 South Adams, Phone 674-6120 CLEANING RUGS, UPHOLSTERY.

FRED BURTON Cleaners, 664-8873 M. E. HILLSAMER DECORATORS Town, Country charge, fully Insured. Phone 664.4736, Marion. SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, toilet vault, vacuum cleaned sewer lines basem*nt drains cleaned wIth electric cutting knives.

Concrete tanks, Installed DAVID SEWER CLEANERS, Inc. 1039 E. 38th St. 664-2466 "ELECTRICAL Wiring Repairs Insured Work Guarantee Free Estimate-662-2282 TWIN CITY SEWER SERVICE Clean Sewer Lines-Septic Tanks C. McCormick 674-4549 FIREWOOD FOR SALE CUT TRIM TREES Insured Jess Lanter Phone 664-0159 REMODELING- Rooms Added "Call 664-1614" LEFFLER CONSTRUCTION CO.

BURTON'S DIVERSIFIED CLEANERS-Bigelow Karpet Kare and Upholstery Dealers. Ph. 664-0691. EXPERIENCED Cement work. All kinds.

Free estimates. Phone 536-R-3. HAVE TRACTORS WILL MOW or ROTOVATE gardens yards D. E. Perkins Phone 664-9262 HAULING Any kind.

Tree limbs, empty trash barrels, large truck. 662-6943. "CARPENTER WORK Paneling, ceiling tile additions, remodeling 664-7721 or 664-7220 REMODELING- Attics, basem*nts. Paneling, ceilings, floors, all carpentry. 662-7623 PAINTING WOODY GAMBLE PHONE 948-5400 "YOU NAME We haul It We do tree work Phone 662-7573 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING GAS ENGINE and chain saw pair.

501 N. Bransion St. 664-3287. WELL DRILLING REPATR Member of First National Charge, 2162 W. 9th, C.

E. Hines Jr. Phone 664-4935 TRASH Hauling. Barrels amptied. Phone 664-2006.


Haul away Special rates for for low Income people. Free estimates. '1. BUSINESS SERVICE Insurance Bonds 23 AUTO Insurance cancelled. De clined, over age-under age-need SR 22.

Call Ted Nicholson 602-2203 Low rates for sate drivers. Beauty Services Offered 31- JUNE BRIDES Have' DALPHA'S Style Your Hairli DALPHA'S 38th Wash. 674-2620. EMPLOYMENT: 1 Employment, Female 32 BE IN THE KNOWI Yes, With this position In very' busy office you will know what's going on all over town. NO urdays.

Licensed Agency. VAN LANINGHAM EMPL. SERV. 209 Block 664-0659 Minnesota Woolen. Fashion Wag.

Glass, on has openings for ladles parttime to show beautiful new fashe ions. No experience necessary, If you can work 3 evenings week, have' car and drive, and want high income and free $250 wardrobe, call Jo Ann Cowgill, 664-2720. BABYSITTER Wanted live in or come in. Apply after 4 p.m. Phone 662-8239 BEAUTICIANS WANTED STYLES BY JAMES CALL 664-3220 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Night work.

Part time Contact Mrs. Custer at CUSTER'S LAST STAND. 1 an to ad of 64 WANTED -Babysitter, 3rd shift. Phone 662-1277 between 4 8 p.m, WIDOW--Lady wants rollable wom. an or man or wife, to make your home with Nice arrangement for right people.

Phone 998-2494. LADY- care and stay with eld. erly lady. Not an Invalid, good home, cantrally located. Good wages.

Phone 662-8403. McCALL'S Needs women to handle renewal subscriptions in this area. Must have private phone. For particulars write mediately Helen 1503 West 8th, Muncie, Ind. HAIR STYLIST WANTED For modern new shop.

Phone 664-1990 or 662-6727 WANT. Older babysitter my home, 2nd shift. 2 children reference. Phone 664.4165 befonre 2 p.m. EXPERIENCED Nurse aldes.

a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. $1.25 per hour starting wage. Apply office.

Jones Convalescent Home 518 W. 36th NIGHT COOK -NO SUNDAYS CAREY'S 3302 S. Adams WANTED Baby sitter in my home in Gas City. Hours: 11 to Write: CHRONICLE- TRIBUNE BOX 410 EXPERIENCED Adult waitress wanted at Kawpee. Phone 668 8280 between 8 and 3.

WORK AT HOME Must have completed at least 1 year of lege. Write Blind Worker's Mare keting. CHRONICLE TRIBUNE BOX 407 BE OUR Representative and earn good Income close to home. Profitable territory now available, Call Avon Manager, Mrs. mer, 664-1505.

SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. HAS Immediate opening for ing teacher. Full time position', teaching and selling. Salary plus commission and usual fringe bene. fits.

Sewing background and sire to sell necessary. We Will Traini Apply SINGER CO. 119 W. 4th Marion WANTED Counter ladies, night shift, 5 p.m. to midnight.

Apply Biff Burger, 26th Bypass. WAITRESS COOK LITE SPOT CAFE PHONE 674-8711 EXPERIENCED to operate NCR BOOKKEEPING' MACHINE. Must tion insurance and other fringe benefits. KLAIN STEEL SUPPLY, Inc. 503 Lincoln Blvd.

668-8181 WANT-Babysitter Monday through Friday. MORNINGS ONLY. In my home. Phone 384-7860. DOCTOR'S OFFICE MEDICAL AS SISTANT Experience preferred, will retrain if necessary.

High school graduate. Salary open, day week Including Saturday. ply: A MIDDLE CHRONICLE AGE LADY TRIBUNE BOX for 348 light housework and cooking. Live in or not. 2 adults.

Phone 664-4622. WANTED ELDERLY Lady able to care for self to share my semi-modern home In West Marion. Good nelghborhood, tor companionship. Share living 5126. penses.

Call Mrs. Moore at WI BABYSITTER-Gas City area. 2nd. shift. My home.

Own tion. Employment, Male 33 FOREMAN $175 WEEK Industrial giant expanding tion. Looking for men experienced with metals, vertical and horizontal 'mills. SEE Barb. SNELLING SNELLING 319 Iroguois Bldg.

Licensed 664-0681 DRIVERS NEEDED IN THIS AREA Nationwide mobile home trans. porter needs owner operators. Trucks for lease available. Apply in person to NATIONAL TRAILER CONVOY, 2720 North Del. phos, Kokomo, Indiana or write Department 40, P.

O. Box 51096, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74151. DRAFTSMAN START $6000 FEE PAID Will be mostly mechanical. Limited experience or schooling will do. This spot offers plenty of poten.

tial, VAN LANINGHAM EMPL. SERV. 209 Glass Block 664-0659 WANTED Qualified Welders for STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATING SHOP Must be able to work from shop drawings. Hospital and other fringe benefits. KLAIN STEEL SUPPLY INC.

4 503 Lincoln Blvd. Phone 668-8181 USHERS Apply HI-Way Theater after 7 No phone calls, please BOY'S -For general kitchen work, Fountain and Grill. Apply In person CUSTER'S LAST STAND ROUTE SALES Married many' 21 to 35. 5 day week. Phone 664-9278 WANTED Elderly retired man for daily chores capable of drive Ing.

Close to downtown 'area. 664. 4230. BOYS NEEDED AT KIDDYLAND Apply at Matter Park After 1 p.m. Salesmen 33A DRIVER SALESMAN A leading Food' Chain has a sition for a retall salosman serv.

ing established customers 5 days a weak, Car and expenses fur. nished. Guaranteed weekly salary plus bonus, Averago 1966 earnings $8,000, We offer Bluel Cross and Blue Shield and life Insurance, paid vacations and profit-sharing retirement plan. Married ago 25- 45. Sand resume to P.O.

Box 11181, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46201. 1'' 7..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.