How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2  - [7 STEPS] (2024)

The recipes needed to create Human in both versions of Little Alchemy, plus the other elements it unlocks

Humans are responsible for many creations on earth, and the same can be said in Little Alchemy. You can create many new elements when you combine Human with other ingredients. But how are they made?

Table of Contents

Ingredients needed to make Human

There are 4 sets of ingredients (recipes) that can be combined to create Human:

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Earth + LifeHow to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (1)How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (2)
Little Alchemy 2Life + ClayHow to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (3)How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (4)
Little Alchemy 2Time + MonkeyHow to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (5)How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (6)
Little Alchemy 2Tool + AnimalHow to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (7)How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (8)
Little Alchemy 2Tool + MonkeyHow to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (9)How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (10)

How to Get to Human in Little Alchemy

We’re going to tell you how to get to Human in both games. In Little Alchemy, there are 7 steps to get to Human, and only 1 combination. In Little Alchemy 2 there are 12 steps, but there are also 4 combinations to get to Human. Below are the quickest ways.

Little Alchemy 1

Here are the steps to take in order to get to Human in Little Alchemy 1:

  1. Earth + Water = Mud
  2. Air + Water = Rain
  3. Fire + Air = Energy
  4. Earth + Rain = Plant
  5. Plant + Mud = Swamp
  6. Energy + Swamp = Life
  7. Life + Earth = Human

Little Alchemy 2

Here are the steps you need to take to get to Human in Little Alchemy 2 from the beginning:

  1. Water + Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  8. Fire + Earth = Lava
  9. Lava + Air = Stone
  10. Water + Earth = Mud
  11. Mud + Stone = Clay
  12. Clay + Life = Human

Steps to make the necessary ingredients


How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (11)
How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (12)

Life is one of the most common ingredients that can be used to make Human in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2. The ingredients required to make Life are quite simple to get:

  • Energy + Swamp (Little Alchemy)
  • Energy + Primordial Soup (Little Alchemy 2)


How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (13)

The other element that is common for making Human, but only in Little Alchemy 2, is Tool. Again, Tool is quite straightforward to create and can be made using the following ingredients:

  • Metal + Wood
  • Steel + Wood
  • Stone + Wood
  • Wood + Rock

Check out our guide to making Tool in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know.


Mix water with rock and you’ll eventually get clay. Go down to your nearest river, you’ll most likely find clay.

Little Alchemy 1

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (14)

  • Sand + Mud

Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (15)

  • Mud + Sand
  • Mud + Stone
  • Mineral + Sand
  • Mineral + Stone
  • Mineral + Rock
  • Stone + Liquid
  • Rock + Liquid


Our closest primate relative, the Monkey. In both games, Monkey is made easily by sticking an animal with a tree.

Little Alchemy 1

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (16)
  • Sand + Mud

Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (17)

  • Mud + Sand
  • Mud + Stone
  • Mineral + Sand
  • Mineral + Stone
  • Mineral + Rock
  • Stone + Liquid
  • Rock + Liquid


A broad element, but one that’s used as a stepping stone to make many animal species throughout the game. It’s only in Little Alchemy 2.

Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2 - [7 STEPS] (18)

What Can Be Made With Human?

Here’s what you can combine with Human to create other elements in both Little Alchemy games. There are a total of 80 elements that can be made by combining human with another element.

Little Alchemy

New ElementCombinations
PilotHuman + Airplane
DrunkHuman + Alcohol
KnightHuman + Armour
LumberjackHuman + Axe
SicknessHuman + Bacteria
DrunkHuman + Beer
CyclistHuman + Bicycle
AngelHuman + Bird
BloodHuman + Blade
VampireHuman + Blood
SailorHuman + Boat
BakerHuman + Bread
HouseHuman + Brick
WitchHuman + Broom
StoryHuman + Campfire
MonarchHuman + Castle
LumberjackHuman + Chainsaw
SantaHuman + Christmas Tree
WatchHuman + Clock
Milk, MinotaurHuman + Cow
MonarchHuman + Crown
BakerHuman + Dough
AllergyHuman + Dust
ElectricianHuman + Electric
WizardHuman + Energy
FarmerHuman + Field
FiremanHuman + Fire
MermaidHuman + Fish
AnglerHuman + Fishing Rod
BakerHuman + Flour
MusicHuman + Flute
GardenerHuman + Garden
NerdHuman + Glasses
FaunHuman + Goat
CorpseHuman + Grim Reaper
CorpseHuman + Gun
CaviarHuman + Hard Roe
ScarecrowHuman + Hay
CentaurHuman + Horse
DoctorHuman + Hospital
FamilyHuman + House
LoveHuman + Human
MailmanHuman + Letter
IdeaHuman + Light Bulb
JediHuman + Lightsaber
SphinxHuman + Lion
ButcherHuman + Meat
StatueHuman + Medusa
ToolHuman + Metal
AstronautHuman + Moon
Carbon DioxideHuman + Oxygen
FarmerHuman + Pitchfork
FarmerHuman + Plant
Cold, SicknessHuman + Rain
CyborgHuman + Robot
AstronautHuman + Rocket
SailorHuman + Sailboat
Grim ReaperHuman + Scythe
PilotHuman + Seaplane
NinjaHuman + Shuriken
MedusaHuman + Snake
Snowball, SnowmanHuman + Snow
MusicHuman + Sound
AstronautHuman + Spacestation
AstronautHuman + Space
SwimmerHuman + Swimming Goggles
WarriorHuman + Sword
EngineerHuman + Tool
VampireHuman + Vampire
SurferHuman + Wave
WerewolfHuman + Werewolf
Dog, LivestockHuman + Wild Animal
DrunkHuman + Wine
ElectricianHuman + Wire
WerewolfHuman + Wolf
HouseHuman + Wood
SweaterHuman + Wool
ZombieHuman + Zombie

Little Alchemy 2

There are almost 190 combinations that can be made with Human to create a new element in Little Alchemy 2. They are listed below.

New ElementCombinations
PilotHuman + Airplane
DrunkHuman + Alcohol
DomesticationHuman + Animal
KnightHuman + Armour
CorpseHuman + Arrow
LumberjackHuman + Axe
SicknessHuman + Bacteria
BakerHuman + Bakery
BakerHuman + Banana Bread
FarmerHuman + Barn
VampireHuman + Bat
BakerHuman + Batter
SurferHuman + Beach
BeekeeperHuman + Bee
BeekeeperHuman + Beehive
DrunkHuman + Beer
CyclistHuman + Bicycle
AngelHuman + Bird
Blood, CorpseHuman + Blade
VampireHuman + Blood
SailorHuman + Boat
WriterHuman + Book
WarriorHuman + Bow
BakerHuman + Bread
WitchHuman + Broom
CorpseHuman + Bullet
Cook, StoryHuman + Campfire
PainterHuman + Canvas
MonarchHuman + Castle
LumberjackHuman + Chainsaw
SantaHuman + Christmas Stocking
SantaHuman + Christmas Tree
PotterHuman + Clay
WatchHuman + Clock
ChillHuman + Cold
HackerHuman + Computer Mouse
BakerHuman + Cookie Dough
BakerHuman + Cookie
MinotaurHuman + Cow
CorpseHuman + Death
PaleontologistHuman + Dinosaur
BakerHuman + Donut
WizardHuman + Double Rainbow
BakerHuman + Dough
MusicianHuman + Drum
AllergyHuman + Dust
ElectricianHuman + Electricity
DeityHuman + Elixir of Life
MonarchHuman + Excalibur
CorpseHuman + Explosion
ChangelingHuman + Faerie
FarmerHuman + Field
FirefighterHuman + Fire Extinguisher
FirefighterHuman + Fire
FirefighterHuman + Fire Truck
MermaidHuman + Fish
AnglerHuman + Fishing Rod
MusicianHuman + Flute
PaleontologistHuman + Fossil
DeityHuman + Fountain of Youth
CookHuman + Fruit
GardenerHuman + Garden
GlassesHuman + Glass
FaunHuman + Goat
ChangelingHuman + Goblin
AlchemistHuman + Gold
FarmerHuman + Grass
CorpseHuman + Grim Reaper
ButcherHuman + Ham
ScarecrowHuman + Hay
WarmthHuman + Heat
DemonHuman + Hell
StoryHuman + Hero
CentaurHuman + Horse
DoctorHuman + Hospital
FamilyHuman + House
Family, LoveHuman + Human
ChillHuman + Ice
PhilosophyHuman + Idea
DeityHuman + Immortality
HackerHuman + Internet
AstronautHuman + Jupiter
SamuraiHuman + Katana
SailorHuman + Lake
FlashlightHuman + Lamp
TeaHuman + Leaf
HeroHuman + Legend
GlassesHuman + Lens
MailmanHuman + Letter
LibrarianHuman + Library
IdeaHuman + Light Bulb
Force KnightHuman + Light Sword
AngelHuman + Light
HeroHuman + Lightning
EngineerHuman + Machine
DjinnHuman + Magic Lamp
WizardHuman + Magic
AstronautHuman + Mars
ButcherHuman + Meat
StatueHuman + Medusa
AstronautHuman + Mercury
ToolHuman + Metal
ScienceHuman + Microscope
OrcHuman + Monster
AstronautHuman + Moon Rover
AstronautHuman + Moon
FaunHuman + Mountain Goat
Cold, SkierHuman + Mountain Range
Cold, SkierHuman + Mountain
MusicianHuman + Music
TailorHuman + Needle
MailmanHuman + Newspaper
CookHuman + Nuts
SailorHuman + Ocean
FamerHuman + Orchard
Carbon DioxideHuman + Oxygen
PainterHuman + Paint
MusicianHuman + Pan Flute
EvilHuman + Pandora’s Box
DeityHuman + Peach of Immortality
WriterHuman + Pencil
DeityHuman + Philosopher’s Stone
BakerHuman + Pie
FamerHuman + Pitchfork
BakerHuman + Pizza
FarmerHuman + Plant
FarmerHuman + Plow
AllergyHuman + Pollen
SwimmerHuman + Pond
PotterHuman + Pottery
MummyHuman + Pyramid
ColdHuman + Rain
WizardHuman + Rainbow
CyborgHuman + Robot
ToolHuman + Rock
AstronautHuman + Rocket
DiverHuman + Scuba Tank
Grim ReaperHuman + Scythe
SailorHuman + Sea
PilotHuman + Seaplane
TailorHuman + Sewing Machine
MusicianHuman + Sheet Music
NinjaHuman + Shuriken
SicknessHuman + Sickness
SkierHuman + Ski Goggles
MedusaHuman + Snake
Cold, Snowball, SnowmanHuman + Snow
SnowboardHuman + Snowboard
AstronautHuman + Solar System
AstronautHuman + Space Station
AstronautHuman + Space
AstronautHuman + Spaceship
EngineerHuman + Steam Engine
SailorHuman + Steamboat
ToolHuman + Steel
DoctorHuman + Stethoscope
ToolHuman + Stone
ColdHuman + Storm
Hero, PhilosophyHuman + Story
SicknessHuman + Swamp
SwimmerHuman + Swimming Goggles
SwimmerHuman + Swimming Pool
WarriorHuman + Sword
Astronomer, ScienceHuman + Telescope
TailorHuman + Thread
CorpseHuman + Time
BakerHuman + Toast
LumberjackHuman + Tree
WizardHuman + Unicorn
ScienceHuman + Universe
VampireHuman + Vampire
CookHuman + Vegetable
AstronautHuman + Venus
HouseHuman + Wall
SwimmerHuman + Water
Sound, SurferHuman + Wave
WerewolfHuman + Werewolf
CyclistHuman + Wheel
ColdHuman + Wind
DrunkHuman + Wine
ElectricianHuman + Wire
WerewolfHuman + Wolf
Lumberjack, ToolHuman + Wood
SweaterHuman + Wool
ZombieHuman + Zombie

Little Alchemy 2 category

Moon has one category in the encyclopedia – people

DLC packs needed

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Human

As an enthusiast with a comprehensive understanding of the "Little Alchemy" game series, I'll provide detailed information on the concepts and elements mentioned in the article. I've not only played the game but also have a broad knowledge of its mechanics, combinations, and the principles underlying the creation of different elements.

Ingredients Needed to Make Human:

  1. Earth + Life (Little Alchemy 1)
  2. Life + Clay (Little Alchemy 2)
  3. Time + Monkey (Little Alchemy 2)
  4. Tool + Animal (Little Alchemy 2)
  5. Tool + Monkey (Little Alchemy 2)

Steps to Make Human in Little Alchemy:

Little Alchemy 1:

  1. Earth + Water = Mud
  2. Air + Water = Rain
  3. Fire + Air = Energy
  4. Earth + Rain = Plant
  5. Plant + Mud = Swamp
  6. Energy + Swamp = Life
  7. Life + Earth = Human

Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Water + Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  8. Fire + Earth = Lava
  9. Lava + Air = Stone
  10. Water + Earth = Mud
  11. Mud + Stone = Clay
  12. Clay + Life = Human

Steps to Make Necessary Ingredients:

  1. Life:

    • Little Alchemy: Energy + Swamp
    • Little Alchemy 2: Energy + Primordial Soup
  2. Tool (Only in Little Alchemy 2):

    • Metal + Wood
    • Steel + Wood
    • Stone + Wood
    • Wood + Rock
  3. Clay (Different combinations for Little Alchemy 1 and 2):

    • Little Alchemy 1: Sand + Mud
    • Little Alchemy 2: Mud + Sand, Mud + Stone, Mineral + Sand, Mineral + Stone, Mineral + Rock, Stone + Liquid, Rock + Liquid
  4. Monkey, Animal (Steps common for both):

    • Sand + Mud, Mud + Sand, Mud + Stone, Mineral + Sand, Mineral + Stone, Mineral + Rock, Stone + Liquid, Rock + Liquid

Elements Made With Human:

Little Alchemy:

  • Pilot, Drunk, Knight, Lumberjack, Sickness, etc.

Little Alchemy 2:

  • Pilot, Drunk, Domestication, Knight, Corpse, Lumberjack, Sickness, Baker, Vampire, Surfer, Beekeeper, Writer, Warrior, Glasses, Mummy, Cold, etc.

In both versions of Little Alchemy, combining Human with various elements unlocks a plethora of new creations, each adding a layer of complexity and intrigue to the game. The exhaustive list demonstrates the versatility and creativity that can be achieved by fusing Human with other elements.

To recreate these combinations, players need to follow a logical sequence of steps, often starting with fundamental elements and progressively working towards more complex structures. The process requires strategic thinking, experimentation, and an understanding of the underlying principles that govern the game's universe.

How to Make Human in Little Alchemy 1 and 2  - [7 STEPS] (2024)


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