The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2131-2140 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2131

What Ruoli had originally thought was that after she successfully left Japan and survived this period of wind, she would seek revenge from that nasty man.

But she never dreamed that, at the moment when she was about to leave Japan, she actually let herself on the dock and saw the man she had always hated!

At this moment, her blood boiled suddenly.

Her eyes, which were so beautiful that they were breathtaking, were already blood red because of hatred!

At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind: “Kill him! I, Ruoli, must kill him!”

At this time, Charlie, because his eyes and attention were on Nanako sitting in the car, he didn’t notice the commercial car passing by the dock.

Moreover, the business car is one-way light. Ruoli can see him in the car, but he can’t see Ruoli, so he didn’t know that an acquaintance passed by him at this time.

Soon, the tail of Charlie’s cruise ship was stirred by the slowly rotating propeller.

The yacht also slowly leaves the dock with the rotation of the propeller.

After that, the speed of the boat became faster and faster, and it quickly turned into a small light spot in Nanako’s sight, and finally disappeared.

No one noticed that the yacht at the next berth also accelerated away from the dock.

At this time, in the co*ckpit of this yacht, Ruoli gave a cold voice to the captain: “Full power! We must catch up with the ship ahead!”

The captain hurriedly said: “Miss Su, our top priority now is to leave Japan’s territorial waters and go to the high seas. Only after arriving in the high seas can you be considered safe!”

Ruoli gritted her teeth and said: “You don’t understand! There is my unshakable enemy on that ship, I must kill him personally!”

The captain said embarrassingly: “Miss Su, I took Master Su’s order to take you to the high seas as soon as possible without any delay, so I can only deny you.”

Ruoli said angrily: “Give me a call, I want to call the master!”

The captain hesitated for a moment, picked up the satellite phone on the ship, and said, “Miss Su, then I will call Master Su now, you can tell him yourself.”

After that, he used the satellite phone to call Chengfeng, the head of the Su family.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chengfeng immediately asked, “How is the matter going?”

The captain hurriedly said: “Master, Miss Su suddenly said that she wanted to chase and kill someone, so I called to ask you for instructions.”

Chengfeng’s stern voice came: “She hasn’t left Japan and headed to the high seas at this time to chase and kill anyone? If she gets caught by the Police or the Self-Defense Forces, the trouble will be big! Don’t let her in this life do that, she must leave Japan!”

Ruoli grabbed the phone and couldn’t wait to say, “Master! I’m Ruoli! I was at the dock just now and I ran into the person who had pitted us! He was the one who leaked our whereabouts to the Japanese Self-Defense Force in Osaka. Caused us all to be arrested! If I don’t retaliate this hatred, I won’t die with peace!”

Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, and said: “Okay! If this is the case, get rid of this trouble first! Otherwise, if you leave him in the world, I don’t know if he will continue to pose other threats to Su family in the future!”

Chapter 2132

At this time, Zynn, who had been staying next to Chengfeng, hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t let Ruoli take a reckless action at this time. The most important thing is to come back quickly. That person can think of a solution later, but if you leave here If she can’t escape this time, there will be no chance again!”

Chengfeng sternly said: “If we leave that person, none of us know his true identity, what if he is the enemy of the Su family? What if he has already deliberately planned to deal with our family in secret?”

Zynn said, “Dad, we can look for this person slowly in the future. Don’t be in a hurry. If you can meet him today, there will definitely be a chance in a while. Let Ruoli come back first!”

Chengfeng immediately yelled: “As$hole! How come you don’t have any overall view of the situation?! This person has damaged more than fifty generals of my family with his own power! Do you know how much loss this has brought us? There are more than a few billion! What if he still has methods against us behind him?!”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng said coldly: “This person is already a little fascinating, and his identity is uncertain. If we hadn’t met him today, we might not be able to find him in this life, so we must not miss this opportunity! Otherwise! If you do, it will be a big mistake!”

As soon as Zynn heard this, he immediately knew that the old man had made up his mind. He definitely couldn’t convince him, so he could only tell Ruoli over the phone: “Ruoli, since you want to get him, then dad I won’t stop you, listen to your grandfather’s instructions, and be sure to find out his true identity!”

The first time Ruoli heard Zynn talking to her as “dad”, she thought of her identity as an illegitimate daughter. Today, she finally got the recognition of her biological father. With mixed emotions, she said excitedly: ” Dad, rest assured, if I leave, I will go all out!”

Chengfeng also exhorted at this time: “If Ruoli, it’s better to be able to catch alive and take him back to Eastcliff directly. I will try him personally!”

Ruoli immediately said decisively: “OK lord, after I catch him, I will definitely leave him a dog!”

Chengfeng said with a hum, and said: “Okay, you can do it yourself!”

After that, he said: “By the way, the few people who picked you up are all my confidants. They are all very skilled. When you act, let them be with you, so that the odds of winning will be greater!”

Ruoli said without hesitation: “OK, lord!”

Chengfeng said loudly: “Tell them, if this thing is done well, I will reward them all!”

“I know!”

After hanging up the phone, Ruoli immediately said to the captain: “Go ahead at full speed and you must catch up with the ship ahead!”

The captain naturally didn’t dare to make a mistake at this time, and immediately nodded and said, “OK Miss Su!”

After that, he maximizes the engine thrust!

Several people who had rescued Ruoli started gearing up at this time because they heard what Chengfeng said.

One of them asked Ruoli: “Miss Su, what should we do after we catch up with the other party?”

Ruoli’s expression was stern, and she sternly said: “We will use our side to rub the other party’s ship and force the other party to stop!”

The man asked again: “What if the other party doesn’t stop the boat?”

Ruoli sneered: “Don’t stop the boat? No matter if he stops, when we are approaching, we jump directly onto their boat! After getting on the boat, we will take everyone except the target person Kill them, sink the ship to the bottom of the sea, and leave nothing else alive!”

Speaking of this, Ruoli clenched her fists, clenched a neat little white tooth, and said coldly: “In any case, we must catch that guy!”

Chapter 2133

After leaving the dock, the boat that Charlie was riding on went all the way toward the open sea.

Because Hashimoto was imprisoned in the cabin on the bottom floor, Charlie decided to take Warnia down to meet this guy for a while.

The sailor on the ship took the two to the bottom cabin and pushed open one of the doors.

In the room, a man wearing a high-end wool suit, his limbs are firmly fixed to a chair, his hands are tied to the handle of the chair, his legs and feet are tied to the front legs of the chair, above his head There is also a black bag on it, which covers the entire head.

Charlie speculated that this person should be Hashimoto.

For the sake of caution, Takehiko’s people used round steel pipes to firmly put each finger of Hashimoto inside, and then fixed them to the handrails together.

In this way, Hashimoto couldn’t even bend his fingers, let alone any possibility of escape.

In addition, there was a man holding a stun gun standing beside him, staring at him unblinkingly. The security work can be said to be in place.

Seeing Charlie coming in, the man holding the stun gun immediately said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, you are here!”

Charlie nodded, and asked, “Is this the man?”

“Yes!” The man immediately tore off the bag that Hashimoto put on his head and said: “Mr. Wade, this guy is Hashimoto! We have already confirmed it!”

At this time, Hashimoto had not adapted to the dazzling light, with a towel in his mouth, so he couldn’t speak, he could only whimper, and his body was constantly struggling.

Seeing him struggling desperately, Charlie basically didn’t move, he couldn’t help but smiled: “You are too cautious, and you don’t need to tie your hands and feet. You also fixed all your fingers, so he is anxious.”

The man respectfully said: “Mr. Wade, you don’t know that the villain in the movie and TV series always ignores the protagonist’s hands, so no matter how you tie up the protagonist, the protagonist can find flaws and escape, so we simply put this guy All of his ten fingers are wrapped in steel pipes, so that even Da Luo Jinxian cannot escape!

Charlie laughed, pointing to Hashimoto, and smiling: “It’s such a thing, it’s not worthy of being comparable to the protagonist in the film and television drama.”

At this time, Hashimoto also gradually recovered his vision.

The first thing he saw was Charlie, whose hand was pointing at him.

At this moment, he was astonished: “Who is this person?! Did he let someone kidnap me? Did I offend him?”

At this moment, Charlie stretched out his hand and took off the towel from his mouth, and said coldly: “Hashimoto is here first, right? Do you know why I tied you here?”

Hashimoto subconsciously asked: “Who are you?! I don’t even know you, why are you asking someone to kidnap me?!”

Charlie didn’t expect this guy to be stubborn, so he slapped him and yelled, “You’re so f*cking good, you’ve done something shameless, don’t you know it? You dare to question here?”

Hashimoto blurted out: “I…I am a law-abiding citizen of Japan! I am the vice president of Nippon Steel Group! I have never done anything lawless, but you… .. Do you know that kidnapping is a felony?!”

Charlie slapped him again and cursed, “Is it a felony? Okay, then you look at her and tell me whether kidnapping is more serious or murder is more serious!”

After all, he pulled Warnia to his side.

When Hashimoto saw Warnia, he was shocked and dumbfounded!

Chapter 2134

“Song…Miss Song?!”

Warnia looked at Hashimoto with a look of disgust, and asked: “Mr. Hashimoto must have never thought that Warnia is still alive, right?!”

Hashimoto’s nervous whole body shuddered.

He knew that his murder attempt of Warnia was heinous.

Warnia’s whereabouts were unknown before, and her two assistants and the driver were all buried in the man-made traffic accident.

Aside from other things, just killing three people is already an absolute felony. In murder, the plot is extremely bad and the methods extremely cruel.

Now, Warnia was standing in front of Hashimoto alive, so he immediately realized that it was Warnia to seek revenge from him!

He cried and pleaded almost immediately: “Miss Song, I am not the real mastermind of your unexpected event! The real mastermind is your brother Honor! Everything is his mastery!”

Warnia asked coldly: “Oh? It’s all Honor’s pot? Then I ask you, who lied to me that Mr. Watanabe was signing a contract with me? Who lied to me to go to the mountainous area of ​​Nish*tama County? And who arranged it. People smashed the four of us with a truck down the cliff?!”

Hashimoto was constantly questioned by Warnia, so frightened, he begged: “Miss Song, this is your brother’s idea. If you want to blame, blame him, don’t blame me…”

Warnia questioned: “According to you, if I ask someone to throw you into the sea right now, then you can’t blame me, right?”

As soon as Hashimoto heard this, his face turned pale in shock, and he hurriedly cried, “Miss Song, I didn’t mean that…I…I…I just want you to spare my life…As long as you can spare me, I will do anything you want!”

Warnia looked at Charlie and asked, “Master, what are you going to do with this person?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Leave him a dog’s life first. When I return to Aurous Hill, I will give him a chance to make up for his work. If he can grasp it, then keep his dog’s life; if he can’t grasp it, then Just chop him up and feed the dog!”

Hashimoto hurriedly pleaded: “You can tell me what you want me to do! I will do my best to get my life back!”

Charlie said coldly: “When it comes to Aurous Hill, I will let you face-to-face confrontation with Honor. At that time, you have to say all the activities between you and Honor, and dare to miss one word, I will kill you!”

Hashimoto nodded like garlic, and cried, “Don’t worry, I will listen to you and tell the truth!”

Charlie put the towel into his mouth again, and said to Takehiko’s men: “Continue to watch him.”

The man hurriedly said: “Okay Mr. Wade!”

Charlie said to Warnia again: “Warnia, this Hashimoto is here for the time being, so he’ll be locked up here. After he arrives in Aurous Hill and confronts Honor, I will give you a satisfactory solution.”

Warnia respectfully said, “Master decides everything!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Okay, go to the room and rest. I’ll stand on the deck for a while.”

Warnia hurriedly asked: “Master, can I go with you to the deck and stay for a while before returning to the room?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Of course you can, then let’s go up together!”

Chapter 2135

When the two came to the deck, Charlie couldn’t help sighing against the cold sea breeze.

Although he has rescued Warnia safely now, and has begun to take her on the journey home.

However, this matter is far from over.

Next, is the most important part.

Tianming and Honor, the vicious father and son, have not yet resolved!

Now, Mr. Song pretends to protect himself from dementia. With his current situation, it is impossible for a single person to beat Tianming and his son.

Once the father and son found out that he was in disguise, they would kill him immediately.

Therefore, what he has to do next is to expose the true colors of Tianming and Honor, the father and son duo in public, rescue Old Song, and let Warnia regain control of the entire Song family group.

However, after this, we still have to face the problem of how to solve Tianming and Honor.

In Charlie’s view, the father and son not only committed the crime of intentional homicide, but also directly attacked their loved ones. Not only were they rebellious, but also heinous, even if they resorted to the law, they should be sentenced to death.

Therefore, there is no need for people like this to stay in this world.

However, these two people are after all Warnia’s close relatives. How to deal with them depends on what Warnia and even Mr. Song meant.

Warnia was also standing on the deck at this time, blowing the sea breeze, looking at Tokyo further and further away, and said with emotion: “Master, if it were not for you, I might have died in Tokyo…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t say such dejected words, you auspicious people have their own heavens, even without me, you shouldn’t die, you won’t die.

Warnia smiled gratefully and asked him, “Master, if I really died, would you be sad?”

Charlie said seriously: “Of course, don’t forget, you are my friend.”

Warnia’s expression was a little joyful and a little disappointed.

She secretly said in her heart: “Could it be that in my life, the relationship with Master can only stop at the word ’friend’?”

The past keeps reappearing in her heart, and she comforted herself from the bottom of her heart: “Master has treated me very well, I should be satisfied…”

At this moment, Charlie looked at Warnia and asked, “Warnia, have you ever thought about how to deal with your uncle and cousin after this incident?”

Warnia was slightly surprised, thinking for a long time, shaking her head blankly and saying, “Master, I haven’t thought about this question…”

Charlie nodded and sighed lightly: “You haven’t thought about it before, now you should think about it…”

Warnia asked him, “Master, do you have any good suggestions?”

Charlie said: “My suggestion is very simple, just five words, cut the grass and root.”

Warnia’s expression flashed a little struggling, and she clenched the railing with both hands, and said tangledly, “I know what you mean, but…but after all, they are all from the Song family, and they are my dearest relatives, I… …. I can’t do it…”

Charlie said lightly: “You don’t need to start this matter, you just have to make a decision.”

Warnia sighed: “I know what you mean, but it is very difficult to make this decision. I have to consider not only my own feelings but also the feelings of my grandpa and the feelings of everyone in the Song family. It’s all a family…”

Charlie asked, “But when they tried to kill you, did they treat you as a family?”

Warnia nodded: “They are really amazing, but I am not them after all…”

After that, she said again: “Master, in fact, you… Actually, you don’t know. Since the Song family has no great people in my generation, Grandpa used to feel sorry for this. If the uncle and cousin die again, it must be a bigger blow to him…”

Chapter 2136

Charlie smiled indifferently: “I understand what you mean. After all, blood is thicker than water. It’s okay to spare their lives, but… there is one thing you should pay attention to.”

Warnia hurriedly said, “Master, please speak!”

He said: “You can keep their lives, but you must remember that capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes are inevitable. While forgiving them, you must give them enough punishment, and you must fully restrict their future. Possibility, only in this way can future troubles be eliminated to the greatest extent!”

Warnia nodded: “I know Master, I will definitely consider this matter.”

While speaking, Charlie suddenly heard it, and a faint roar came from directly behind.

He turned his head and saw that at a distance of about one or two kilometers from his own ship, a smaller one was rushing towards him at full speed.

When a ship is sailing on the sea, the wind noise and the slap of the waves are already very loud. At this time, it is difficult to hear the sound of other ships.

At such a distance, it is difficult to hear the sound even when the siren is fully opened.

If it wasn’t for Charlie’s hearing sense to be much more sensitive than ordinary people, it would be impossible to hear it.

Seeing that there was still a ship following him on the empty sea, Charlie immediately felt that something was wrong with this matter.

He immediately said to Warnia: “Warnia, you go back to the room first!”

Seeing Charlie’s solemn expression, Warnia felt that something was wrong.

So she hurriedly asked: “Master, is something wrong?”

He looked at the light that was approaching in the distance, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said playfully: “We seem to have new guests again.”

Warnia followed his gaze. She only saw a ship on the sea, directly behind their ship, constantly approaching.

She was a little surprised and asked, “Master, do you suspect that the ship’s target is us?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Their goal maybe just me, not you.”

Warnia immediately said firmly: “Master, I want to be with you!”

Charlie smiled and said: “No, you go back to the room and stay there, I can solve any problem alone.”


Warnia’s expression increased. If there was any danger, she would definitely not want Charlie to stay alone.

Charlie said with comfort at this time: “Warnia, what’s the matter, you can’t help me if you stay here, and you may become a burden, so you should go back to the room as soon as possible to make me more at ease.”

After speaking, Charlie added: “You are not clear about my situation. It is impossible for ordinary people to hurt me.”

Warnia hesitated repeatedly, nodded gently, and exhorted: “Master, then you must pay attention to safety!”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Okay, don’t worry.”

As soon as the voice fell, a sailor ran out of the stairs on the deck, and said nervously: “Mr. Wade, there is a ship behind us that has been following us and is rushing towards us with all strength! The captain suspects that the other party is not good, let me ask you! What are you going to do?”

Charlie smiled indifferently: “They should be here for me. Don’t all of you come to the deck later, leave everything here to me.”

The sailor hurriedly said, “How can this work? Mr. Wade, Mr. Ito, and the chairman told us that we must safely send you and Ms. Song to China. If the other party is really bad, then we will fight with them! At the same time! Ask Mr. Ito for help and let him send reinforcements as soon as possible!”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, listen to me, send Miss Song back to the room, and then everyone stays in the cabin. Without my permission, don’t come on deck anyway!”

Chapter 2137

As the yacht on board was getting closer and closer to Charlie, Ruoli’s face had begun to show the joy of revenge.

She was born in one of the largest martial arts families in China, and she has undergone the country’s top martial arts education since she was a child. She is definitely a master of masters.

The strength is countless times stronger than those fancy large-scale goods outside.

Therefore, she didn’t pay attention to Charlie’s strength at all.

In her impression, he is just a guy who owes a lot, and is cheap and sinister.

There may be a little skill and a little background, but it is absolutely impossible to be a top master.

After all, what the masters pay attention to is fair competition, what is the ability to call the police behind their back?

Therefore, she has determined at this time that she must be able to avenge her original revenge today.

At this time, the captain reported: “Miss Su, we are less than 800 meters away from the target ship!”

Ruoli wiped the sweat from her palms excitedly, and said, “Give me the telescope!”

Immediately, a sailor handed a high-powered telescope for navigation to her hand.

Ruoli raised the binoculars and looked at it, and immediately saw Charlie standing on the deck alone, his face full of leisure and contentment!

Because of the extremely high clarity of the telescope, Ruoli could almost completely see Charlie’s expression.

At this time, he carried a natural indifferent calmness on his face. If there was a smile at the corner of his mouth, he could always give the other party a feeling of being despised.

Therefore, in Ruoli’s view, his current appearance is simply a perfect portrayal of pretending to be so compelling.

At this moment, Charlie’s eyes seemed to look in Ruoli’s direction, and the smile on the corners of his mouth grew a bit thicker.

Ruoli felt an inexplicable nervousness at first, and thought to herself: “That kid’s expression seems to have seen through me, does he know that I want to come to him for revenge?!”

Thinking of this, she shook her head again and muttered softly to herself: “Impossible! Today he arrived at the pier first and got on the boat first. When I got to the pier, he was already on board, and I was riding His car is one-way glass. It is impossible for him to see me. This means that the situation tonight is the enemy’s light and I am dark, so he can’t detect me now. It seems that I think too much. …..”

As soon as she thought of this, she couldn’t help but smile coldly, and gritted her teeth and said: “Boy! Auntie will make you unable to laugh later!”

Having said that, she sternly shouted: “Go ahead at full speed!”


The boat Ruoli was sailing in was smaller than Charlie’s, and the boat’s speed was relatively faster, so after running full horsepower, the gap narrowed faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was only 500 meters.

With the help of a telescope, Ruoli could even see the sparse scum on Charlie’s face.

At this time, Charlie’s smile was even stronger, and his eyes kept staring in Ruoli’s direction.

She was a little flustered at this moment: “If the look in his eyes just now was an accident, then why is he still looking at me now?!”

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and said to a few people around her with a stern face: “Everyone, get ready for battle!”


Several people immediately responded, and then took out their weapons from their waists.

Japan’s gun control is very strict, so they use almost all the hidden weapons commonly used in martial arts.

And the distance between ships is getting closer.

Ruoli raised her hands, tied her long hair into a crisp high ponytail, and immediately said to a few people around: “The captain will hit the opponent’s side first, and then slam the direction so that the boat is close to each other. When the boat will be attached to each other, the other people jumped up with me, grabbed the man on the deck for the first time, and killed all the rest!”

Several people looked terrified, and immediately said in unison: “OK!”

When it comes to killing, Ruoli never relents.

From the moment she was born, her mother had always instilled a belief in her.

Chapter 2138

That is, her most important task in this life is to do her best to serve her biological father Zynn and the entire Su family.

This belief, over time, became her unwavering belief in life.

She was brainwashed by her mother since she was a child, and she has been brainwashed for 21 years.

Therefore, as long as it is beneficial to the Su family, even if it makes her an enemy of the whole world, she does not hesitate.

If someone dared to be disadvantageous to the Su family, it would even touch her absolute negative scale!

This is the fundamental reason why she will destroy the entire Matsumoto family!

She and Charlie not only have personal grievances, but also family grudges!

It was precisely because Charlie pitted her and more than fifty other Su family masters that the Su family’s vitality was severely injured and suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, she now not only wants to avenge herself, but also the Su Family!

At this time, the distance between the two ships was only less than two hundred meters.

Even without relying on the telescope, Ruoli could clearly see Charlie’s facial features and the strange smile on his face.

This smile makes her feel deja vu now!

When she and other Su masters were taken away by the Japanese Self-Defense Force in a bus at Osaka Airport, Charlie, who was standing in the co*ckpit of a private jet, looked at her with such a smile on his face!

At this moment, Ruoli realized that Charlie was indeed looking at her all the time.

It was from the beginning, and it is still.

She couldn’t help being surprised, this guy, could he perceive that she was observing him? !

On this vast sea, and in the middle of the night, thousands of meters away, did he find her? !

In fact, she didn’t know that Charlie had not only noticed that she was observing him, but had even noticed her identity!

Just when Ruoli was shocked, the distance between the two ships was getting closer and closer!

One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters!

Ruoli’s eyes were red and shouted at the captain: “Continue to accelerate! Hit it!”

The captain shouted: “Miss Su, the engine thrust has been driven to its maximum!”

Ruoli shouted: “There are still the last 20 meters, everyone ready to charge!”

As soon as Ruoli left the voice, Charlie said loudly with a smile on his face: “Hey, the boat is also bought for money, hit a hairy hit! If it crashes, don’t spend money to repair it?”

Ruoli was dumbfounded immediately, and blurted out: “He… how can he hear me?!”

Ruoli at this time was in the co*ckpit.

Across the windows and doors, coupled with the sound of wind and waves outside, even standing at the door, it is impossible to hear what the people inside are saying.

What’s more, this is still 20 meters away.

The captain was also a little panicked, and subconsciously said: “Miss Su, the wind and waves outside are so big, and the distance is so far away, why can we hear his voice clearly?!”

Ruoli was even more surprised when she heard this! Secretly said in her heart: “Yes! He just spoke as if he was in her ears, how did he do this?!”

At this moment, the captain saw that she didn’t respond, and couldn’t help but blurt out, “Miss Su, what should I do now?!”

Ruoli didn’t know what to do at once.

The distance between the two ships is only about ten meters.

Charlie continued to smile at this time: “I urge you to think more about it. If two ships collide with each other and everyone is left on the vast sea, shouldn’t you call the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force for help?”

With that, Charlie added: “But I am not afraid, but what about you? There is a serious prisoner on the ship who is at large. If she is caught by the Japanese Self-Defense Force, I am afraid she will be shot directly?”

Chapter 2139

Charlie’s words immediately made Ruoli involuntarily nervous.

She is the super felon in the eyes of the entire Japanese judiciary, and the culprit who wiped out the Matsumoto family. If the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force was really recruited after the collision, she would definitely not be able to escape.

Moreover, if the Japanese find out that she has escaped from prison, they will definitely take care of her and will never give her a second chance to escape.

Thinking of this, Ruoli gritted her teeth and said in a cold voice: “Slow down! Just get up, don’t hit!”

The captain breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took an emergency brake.

Ruoli’s eyes were full of hatred and determination at this time, and she coldly shouted to the people around her: “Come with me!”

After all, she took the lead in rushing out of the co*ckpit and directly onto the side of the ship!

At this time, the two ships were almost pasted, and Ruoli was standing in front of the railing on the side of the ship, and was only 35 meters away from Charlie on the opposite deck.

Face to face with Charlie again, Ruoli’s eyes were full of resentment towards him, gritted her teeth and shouted coldly: “Boy! You ran away last time, this time you will never have such good luck! If I don’t take it today Your dog’s life, I will not be called Ruoli!”

Charlie laughed and said happily: “Girl, have you always been so temperamental? Or is it because your life is too depressing when you grow up the day after tomorrow, so your temper is getting worse and worse?”

Ruoli scolded angrily: “Don’t be silly with me! If you tell me your name honestly, I can keep you a whole body! Otherwise, you will be broken into pieces!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Girl, I think you are young, beautiful and energetic, so you can be considered a top-notch beauty, so don’t just say things like broken corpses. Isn’t it better to be gentle? You? Remember, gentle girls, are the most likable to men. With a tigress character like you, it is very likely that you will die alone!”

“What are you talking about?!” Ruoli pointed at Charlie and gritted her teeth: “Boy! After you die, I will sew your mouth together and let you be dumb in your next life!”

Charlie smiled playfully: “Then see if you have the ability to kill me! If you have this ability, if you want to kill, please do whatever you want, but if you don’t have this ability, then I will let you feel my punishment!”

Ruoli glared at him and screamed, “Go to hell!”

After speaking, with one hand on the fence, the whole person suddenly jumped, jumped several meters high, and charged towards Charlie with all her strength!

Charlie stood by the fence with a disdainful smile on his face.

Ruoli is indeed a master, but this master is for ordinary people.

For Charlie, her mastership is basically the same as the old ladies on the street who could not restrain the chickens.

In other words, it is like an online game. In front of a level 100 boss, there is no real difference between a level 10 player and a level 1 player.

For the one-hundred-level boss, the player who cuts the first level only needs one knife; the player who cuts the tenth level also only needs one knife.

However, Ruoli didn’t know that she was completely vulnerable to Charlie!

She leaped into the deck of Charlie’s ship, and saw that he has been standing motionless by the railing. She wanted to strangle his throat directly!

But she didn’t expect that Charlie, who had always been calm, took a step back a little later in the critical juncture, and immediately escaped Ruoli’s attack.

Charlie could have just stepped forward and used Ruoli’s acceleration to subdue her, but he didn’t plan to do so.

In his eyes, Ruoli is like a little milk dog encountered on the street. She obviously has no strength, but she prefers to bark and sometimes wants to rush to bite.

Although the character of this kind of little milk dog is very annoying, but the key is that it has a pretty high face value. As a result, people have the idea of ​​teasing it.

Chapter 2140

Besides, Charlie saw that Ruoli left behind and followed several subordinates. These people had already begun to climb over the railings and climb onto his ship. If he had solved Ruoli now, the others would see it. Definitely turn around and run.

So, he might as well wait for them all to get on his own boat, and then give them an urn to catch turtles.

Thinking of this, Charlie continued to back up a few steps, letting Ruoli chase him.

When Ruoli chased him, other people also rushed up.

Seeing this, he smiled with satisfaction on his face: “Since they are all here, then I won’t waste everyone’s time!”

After that, he suddenly seemed to have changed a person, and his whole body exploded with an astonishing aura!

Ruoli is a master of the inner family and has already developed a good inner strength, so she immediately felt the momentum released from Charlie, and the whole person was suddenly stunned!

“If I didn’t feel wrong just now, the inner strength of this kid should be much stronger than me!”

“But, he doesn’t look like a master at all! Could it be that I am wrong?!”

Before Ruoli hadn’t figured it out, Charlie had stopped retreating and rushed towards her directly.

At this moment, Charlie’s whole body was sharp and lightening!

Even when running, there is even a sound of breaking through the air!

Compared with the silly dude before, it’s a completely different person!

Ruoli was shocked and immediately stopped, standing still and preparing to respond with all her strength.

However, just when Charlie was about to rush to her, his whole person suddenly evaporated, and he had disappeared from Ruoli’s eyes!

Before she could figure out what was going on, she heard a few screams suddenly behind her!

She turned around in a hurry, and the situation in front of her immediately shocked her!

At this moment, out of the six men who followed her, three of them were already lying on the ground wailing, and the other was raised in the air with one hand by Charlie, while screaming, and like a javelin at the same time, Charlie threw him out vigorously.

The other two wanted to escape, but one of them was directly knocked to the ground by the person who Charlie had thrown over. In the end, before that person had time to escape, Charlie grabbed his neck by neck and was directly lifted by him like a chicken. standing him up.

The person was so scared that he was so frightened that he cried and cried, “Big Brother, please be forgiving…”

Charlie smiled and said, “You’re forgiving, right? Okay, don’t say I won’t give you a chance. You have to fight for your own way to survive!”

The man nodded repeatedly and blurted out: “Don’t worry, no matter what you say, I will do it!”

Charlie said indifferently: “I don’t need you to do anything for me. You got on my ship without my permission. I just want you to f*ck off, that’s all.”

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately said with joy: “I’m going to get out of here, out of here!”

He thought that Charlie was telling him to roll back to the boat where he came, so he was naturally relieved.

However, he never expected that Charlie to directly threw him out with a wave of his hand.

At the moment he rose into the air and flew to the sea, Charlie said coldly: “Whether you can survive or not depends on your own good fortune!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2131-2140 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.