The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2781-2800 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2781

Roma was taken aback as soon as Ruoli finished speaking.

She considered Charlie’s ten thousand choices for dealing with Zynn, but she never imagined him sending Zynn to Syria.

“Mom, you must not have any idea of saving father… Master Wade has a feud with the Su family, we have the favor of Master at this time, and we can’t say something… Grace will revenge…” Su Ruoli hurriedly reminded.

“No, I won’t be in the murky waters of the Su family again,” Roma said, shaking her head. “Moreover, the Wade family not only has a feud with the Su family, but your father had also come forward to mobilize an alliance against Master’s father. Master Wade left your father with a way to live, which is already a preferential treatment.”

“If you quit, you must draw a straight line with the Su family in the future, and you must not make the same mistakes,” Roma said again.

“Mom, don’t worry, I’ve already broken up with the Su family; not only that, the Su family’s hate for me will never be forgotten for the rest of my life; in the future, if Master requires it, I’ll certainly stand alongside him and be the Su family’s enemy!”

“Since the accident happened to you, the He family has drawn a clear line from the Su family, and from now on, the He family will serve Young Master wholeheartedly. The enemy of Young Master will naturally be the enemy of the He family, so if Master Wade and the Su family have torn their faces apart, the entire He family will stand firmly beside Master Wade,” Roma said with emotion.

“Mom, grandpa would surely agree to cooperate with Master Wade, right?” Su Ruoli asked hurriedly.

“Of course,” Roma said confidently. “Working with Master Wade is without a doubt the most exciting opportunity for our He family, so your grandfather is impossible to decline.”

“I’ll go straight to Mocheng tomorrow and report the situation to your grandpa,” Roma said again. “Based on what I know about him, he won’t hesitate.”

“That’s fine,” Su Ruoli said coquettishly after calming down: “Mom, after you’ve spoken to Grandpa and Grandpa agrees, you can easily pick ten family members and bring them over, and you’ll be able to accompany me more. Stay with me…”

“Don’t worry,” Roma said with a caring smile, “Mom will be back as soon as possible.”

Chapter 2782

When Charlie realized it was getting close to evening, he summoned Issac and told him, “Mr. Issac, arrange for someone to prepare a car, prepare a cell phone that can’t find any clues, and go to Zhiyu’s room and invite her and Aunt Liona over.”

“Master, are you going to let them go?” Issac inquired hurriedly.

“I told them, I’ll give them freedom later today and let them go,” Charlie said, nodding. “And you’ll let them drive to the suburbs and give them the phone, and you don’t have to think about it.”

“Master, I’m not sure if I should say anything inappropriate,” Issac said after a brief pause.

“You say it,” he replied.

“Master, Zynn just vanished today, and the Su family is now searching for him everywhere; if Zhiyu and his wife are released now, the Su family will immediately connect them with Zynn’s disappearance, and they will do all they can to get Zynn’s message from the daughter and mothers’ mouths, so I think, it’d best not let them go, at least stagger for a few days…”

“Even if I let them go a few days later, the outcome would be the same,” Charlie said, waving his hand.

“The news of their incidents was raging, and people all over the world were paying attention, and the car crash was so massive that average people could not survive the way these two did, so once they returned to the public’s view alive, everybody would immediately assume that the person who saved them was really special,” Charlie explained.

“As for the Su Family, they have now realized that there is an enemy with exceptional strength in this city, and they have begun to send people to try to find my clues, even if it is too late,” Charlie continued after a brief pause. The Su family will still equate the people who rescued them with the people who bound Shoude and Zynn if time is given for their women to leave.”

“Master, what if Miss Su and Ms. Liona reveal your identity?” Issac hesitated for a moment before asking.

“I believe they will not,” Charlie said with a chuckle, “but nothing is completely certain.”

“I’d like to spend more time with the Su family, but it doesn’t matter if they really do leak me out. What possessions does the Su family possess? Whatever you do, the dog farm is on the verge of expanding. All we have is a place.”

“Furthermore, the Syrian side’s mountainous zone is sparsely inhabited. It is the same when Chengfeng old dog, he will be sent to assist Hamid in herding sheep. “It’s not terrible.”

Issac was pleased to see that Charlie was unconcerned about the Su family following his life.

He also claims that the Su Family is not Charlie’s enemy, and that as long as Charlie is not concerned about being revealed, he would not be concerned about being a subordinate.

Zhiyu and Liona, mother and daughter, were invited over shortly after.

“Auntie and Miss Su, it’s almost evening,” Charlie said when he saw them. I’ve already requested that the car be prepared. You should get ready to leave if you don’t have any other issues.”

“Grace, can I have a chance to speak with you in the future?” Zhiyu questioned, her face sad.

“Of course, don’t forget the agreement between the two of us,” Charlie said with a smile. I will personally come to the Su Family to wish you when you become the Patriarch.”

“Grace, what if the Su family is going to be your enemy?” Zhiyu couldn’t help but wonder. Can you still regard me as a foe?”

“As long as you don’t do anything against me, I won’t regard you as my enemy,”

Charlie said seriously, shaking his head. “I don’t have a grudge against anyone with the surname Su. It’s just those who were at odds with my father at the time.”

Zhiyu exhaled a sigh of relief and said, “I am relieved by my benefactor’s terms.”

“Auntie, you are my father’s friend,” Charlie said seriously as he grinned softly and looked at Liona again. You can come to me at any time if someone in the Su family isn’t getting along with you.”

“Charlie, if there is any support from Auntie or Du’s family in the future, you must tell auntie,” Liona said gratefully.

“Okay Auntie, we have the contact details for each other, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,” Charlie said with a nod.

“By the way, Charlie, after Auntie and Zhiyu return, how should we react if anyone asks about our experience during this period?” Liona hummed.

“If anyone asks about your experience during this period, you’ll say you were seriously injured in a car accident and have been admitted to the ward to recover,” Charlie said.

“You have no idea where the ward is or which hospital it belongs to, or even the world outside the ward.”

“You say that doctors and nurses wear masks and you are unable to disclose their identities if anyone asks who the doctor is, who the nurse is, and what they look like.”

“If anyone asks why the doctor was treating you, you say it’s because they all were entrusted by a mysterious person.”

“Then you might tell that this mysterious person isn’t as bad as Chengfeng beasts if anyone asks why this mysterious person does this.”

Chapter 2783

The atmosphere darkens as the evening progresses.

On the Aurous Hill Ring Expressway, a Rolls-Royce Cullinan is speeding.

One of Issac’s men was behind the wheel.

Issac took a seat in the co-seat of the driver.

Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter, are in the back row.

The co-pilot, Issac, looked at the navigation chart and said to the two of them, “Please wait for a moment. We’re just a few minutes away from our final destination. You can call your family when you arrive at the place.”

Liona and Zhiyu were giddy and uncontrollable. They are most concerned that their family members are unnecessarily concerned because it has been too long since the crash, and they can’t wait to let them know that they are still alive.

The two did not say anything because Issac had said something and they had to wait for 10 minutes.

They’ve been waiting for days, and the last 10 minutes have been pretty sweet.

Liona’s father, Elijah, was holding a family meeting with his sons and daughters in the old house of Du’s in Aurous Hill at the time.

They’ve been looking for Liona and Zhiyu’s whereabouts since they rushed over from Eastcliff in recent days.

They used all of the tools available to them, much like the Su family, but they were unable to discover any details about the mother and daughter.

Elijah was at a loss for words at the time. He frowned as he looked at his sons and daughters and asked:

“So, how about Zhifei? Why hasn’t he turned up for the meeting he said he was going to come tonight?”

Renel, the eldest son, said: “Dad, Zhifei just sent me a WeChat message saying he’s deciding what concert-related matters with this year’s performance venues are, and that he won’t be back for a while. Let’s get started.”

“Mischief!” exclaims the speaker. Elijah expressed his frustration by saying: “I know this kid is normally sensible, so why isn’t he being straightforward now? What could be more serious than his mother and sister’s lives? What’s more important?!”

Renel, powerless, said: “I know this child hasn’t been spending much time dealing with the matter of Liona and Zhiyu these days, but he must still be occupied with other things. His family is nowhere to be found and he is putting everything out of your mind.”

“Yes, Dad, I know this child must know it in his heart,” said the second son, Simon, “but he has not found any clues for so long, and he must be a little discouraged in his heart, so don’t worry about it.”

“I still feel like this kid is a little absent-minded lately,” Elijah said, a little glumly. “I’m afraid that he, like the rest of the Su family, is oblivious to family affection!”

“Dad, let’s talk about business first,” Haya, Elijah’s eldest daughter, said at the time.

I’ll go have a nice chat with him if I have time. This is the kid we’ve been watching grow up. Yeah, despite the fact that his surname is Su, he is not the same as his father’s or grandfather’s.”

With a sigh and a wave of his hand, Elijah said: “Let’s not talk about him, please. Write down a summary of your current situation. If you have any suggestions?”

All shook their heads helplessly as they heard this.

Chapter 2784

Elijah had a gloomy feeling: “What are you talking about? There aren’t any signs at all?”

“No,” says the speakers.

Renel said solemnly: “I’ve started all of the possible relationships, and I’ve found a lot of private investigators and security department informants, but I haven’t found anything about them. Clues that are related, all broken and missing.”

“Are the investigators and informants not being patient enough to look for clues?” Elijah hurriedly inquired.

Renel, powerless, grinned and said, “By the way, when looking for clues, they’ve discovered seven or eight foreign spies. This search has reached unparalleled levels of strength, but no findings have yet been uncovered. There are a lot of valuable hints here.”

Elijah sighed and said, “Hello there! This is really the pits! The two of them were able to vanish from the scene of such a large car crash in the tunnel without leaving any useful clues. This is fantastic. Thank you so much for that.”

Haya rushed to say: “It’s incredible, Dad. The further it shows that there is room for reversal in this case, the better.

Otherwise, to say nothing else, the impact of the car crash at the time would have been unbelievable if it hadn’t been for the fact that Liona and Zhiyu, as well as the others, were already dead.”

Elijah said with a nod: “This is also plausible, but we haven’t been able to uncover any relevant evidence. I’m really worried.”

According to Renel, “I’ve already resolved the situation with you father. At noon tomorrow, I’ll be able to temporarily access the Academy of Sciences’ supercomputer and use the face recognition technology to search all surveillance videos within a 300-kilometer radius of Aurous Hill. Compare Liona’s and Zhiyu’s facial features to see whether we can spot any similarities.”

When Elijah learned of this, he became enraged and exclaimed: “Why didn’t you use it earlier, you man, there’s such a good way? I’ll be able to figure it out now that face recognition is so advanced. As long as Liona and Zhiyu have left photos before being monitored, we’ll be able to figure it out.”

“Dad, the Academy of Sciences’ supercomputers typically have a lot of jobs, ranging from cloud image analysis for weather forecasts to orbit calculations for Mars exploration,” Renel said helplessly.

Almost all uses involve utilizing these supercomputers. In the last few months, one of their supercomputers has been running at maximum capacity. Despite the fact that I have certain rights, I am unable to postpone big national events!”

Elijah couldn’t help but agree when he heard this: “National affairs are important; let us not use power for personal gain.”

Renel rushed to say: “Don’t worry, Dad; their supercomputer will be able to move one of them out at noon tomorrow. There would be a six-hour window, so I arranged with them and spend those six hours.

During the empty window time, all of Aurous Hill’s surveillance videos will be calculated; however, the amount of data is enormous, and the supercomputer’s computing power is equally impressive.

I asked the experts there, and they estimated that it would take about 4 hours to run all of the results. Their follow-up work will not be hampered.”

“This is good…this is good…” Elijah exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Son, after this incident, you must donate a sum of money to the Academy of Sciences, which is regarded as a payment to the institute,” he said after finishing his speech to his second son, Simon, who had been doing business.

Simon said unequivocally: “Don’t worry, Dad; if they can locate Liona and Zhiyu using supercomputer calculations, I’ll donate a million dollars. If they can’t find it, I’ll donate $5 million as well!”

Just as the Du family was pinning their hopes on the supercomputer, tragedy struck.

The car was speeding through Aurous Hill’s outskirts when it came to a halt at a sparsely populated intersection in the suburbs.

“Ms. Du, you should call your relatives,” Issac said afterward, handing Liona a cellphone.

She counted and nodded before picking up the phone and dialing a number.

This is the mobile phone of Elijah, the Du family’s patriarch.

Elijah had gathered his children for a meeting. He wasn’t expecting the phone to unexpectedly ring.

He was irritated even more when he realized it was an unknown number, so he pressed for a response and asked in a threatening tone: “Who is it, exactly? What exactly is the problem?”

“Dad…me…I’m It’s Liona…” said Liona on the other end of the line, and suddenly chocked up.

Chapter 2785

“What?! Liona?!”

The elderly Elijah heard Liona’s voice, and the whole person was almost as if struck by lightning!

He heard his daughter’s voice, but he couldn’t believe it was really her.

So at this moment, he felt that his heart suddenly doubled, and the violent beating made the entire chest aching.

While clutching his chest, he subconsciously confirmed: “You…are you really Liona?!”

When these words came out, the surrounding Du children were also shocked!

Renel blurted out and asked, “Dad, is it really Liona?!”

Simon hurriedly said, “Dad, turn on the speaker!”

Elijah hurriedly turned on the speaker of the phone and heard the phone on the other end. Liona choked and said: “Dad, it’s really me, I’m still alive, and Zhiyu is still alive, right by my side.”

Zhiyu also said cryingly: “Grandpa…It’s me…I’m Zhiyu…”

The entire Du family suddenly boiled!

Elijah stood up suddenly and blurted out and asked, “Where are your now my girls?!”

Liona said hurriedly: “We are on the outskirts of Aurous Hill. Dad, there are no people here. I will have to trouble you to arrange someone to pick us up.”

Elijah said excitedly: “Hurry up and tell me your specific location, and I will come there with your brother!”

Liona said: “I will use this phone to add your WeChat and send you the address.”

Elijah blurted out: “Give me an approximate direction first. Which direction are you in Aurous Hill? I’ll move there first!”

Liona hurriedly looked at Issac. Issac spoke about the north side silently, so Liona hurriedly said, “Dad, I’m in the north of Aurous Hill.”

“Okay!” Elijah was excited and hurriedly said: “You can send me the address on WeChat now, and I will go out right now!”

After hanging up the phone, Elijah excitedly said to Renel and Simon: “Renel, Simon, get ready with the car, and you two will pick them up with me.”

Haya hurriedly said: “Dad, I will go too!”

Elijah waved his hand: “Haya, don’t come with us. Arrange the chef, doctor, and aunt at home. Keep them ready. Let the chef prepare meals, ask the doctor to get ready for physical examination, and tell the aunt to clean up the bedroom.”

As he said, he sighed distressedly: “I don’t know in what condition my girls are currently, and whether they have suffered.”

Haya nodded repeatedly and said, “Okay Dad, then I will make arrangements.”

Elijah gave a hum, took the two sons, and hurried out.

On the other side, Liona also sent the specific location to her father.

Renel drove a seven-seater commercial vehicle from home and drove his father and younger brother hurriedly towards the northern suburbs.

On the way, Simon, who was sitting in the co-pilot, couldn’t help but look back at Elijah who was sitting in the back row, and said, “Dad, where did Liona and Zhiyu go during this time? I think this positioning is not too far from us. It’s about 20 or 30 kilometers, but during this period of time, I searched the Aurous Hill upside down, and didn’t find any relevant clues at all.”

Elijah hurriedly asked: “Have you looked for the location near Liona?”

“I’ve found it!” Simon blurted out: “We basically searched the entire administrative area of ​​Aurous Hill.”

Elijah said: “From my point of view, the car accident was so dynamic at the time. Liona and Zhiyu’s disappearance shows that they must have been rescued by others. It is likely that they have been hidden by the other party during this period, and they have just recovered. Maybe given freedom.”

Renel, who was driving, sighed: “To be honest, I really want to know the person who rescued them. This person’s strength and background are absolutely extraordinary. I don’t know which family he belongs to.”

Elijah nodded and said: “The specific situation will be known only after meeting them.”

Half an hour later, Renel drove to the location sent by Liona. At this time, on this country road, no one was seen at all, and there was no car.

In fact, just 10 minutes ago, Issac asked his men to drive the car to the next village, while he stayed in the dark to ensure the safety of Liona and Zhiyu. After they were gone he waited for the Du family to come up and take the ladies away.

Chapter 2786

At this time, Liona and Zhiyu cautiously hid in the dry ditch by the roadside, waiting for the arrival of their families.

Soon, two white lights appeared at the end of the road, and the commercial vehicle driven by Renel had already moved toward the location.

Elijah hurriedly called Liona and said to her: “Liona, have seen our car?”

Liona said: “Dad, I can see a car, about five or six hundred meters away, but I’m not sure if it is yours.”

Elijah said in a convenient way: “I let your big brother flash the high beam twice.”

When Renel heard this, he quickly flashed two high beams.

Liona walked out of the ditch at this time and waved her hand at the vehicle on the small road.

Renel in the co-pilot saw her at a glance, and said excitedly: “It’s Liona, go there!”

Renel kicked the accelerator and the commercial vehicle drove over quickly.

Immediately afterward, the car stopped beside Liona, and as soon as it stopped, the three doors of the main driver, co-pilot, and the rear seat opened at the same time.

Elijah, Renel, and Simon quickly got out of the car.

When Elijah saw Liona, he couldn’t control his emotions and choked up: “Liona, you and Zhiyu have been missing during this period of time, and your dad is almost worried to death…”

Liona also burst into tears, stepped forward, and hugged her father, crying and said, “Dad, I’m sorry, I worried you…”

At this time, Zhiyu also came to Liona, gently grasped Elijah’s arm, and sobbed: “Grandpa…”

Elijah hurriedly hugged Zhiyu lightly, and said excitedly: “Good girl, it’s okay if you’re fine, it’s fine…”

Zhiyu looked at Renel and Simon again, choked with sobs: “Uncle, Uncle, we made you worry…”

Renel hurriedly said: “Silly girl, what are you talking about? You and your mother are fine, even if your uncle threw it in for half my life…”

Elijah couldn’t help but ask the question he most wanted to ask at this time: “Liona, where were you and Zhiyu during this time? Who saved you?”

Liona sighed and said sincerely: “Dad, this matter… is really a long story. I won’t know where to start for a while…”

Simon said at this time: “Dad, I think we should get in the car and go home first. If we have anything to say on the road, we will go home and continue talking if we don’t finish talking on the road, it is going to take a long while.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Elijah said hurriedly: “Let’s talk in the car.”

With that said, he took the initiative to open the rear door of the commercial vehicle and said to the mother and daughter: “Get in the car, let’s go home first!”

Liona nodded and hurriedly said, “Dad, you go first.”

Elijah pushed her gently and said, “You go with Zhiyu first.”

Seeing this, Liona didn’t insist anymore, pulling Zhiyu into the car first.

Immediately after Elijah got in the car, and Renel drove away.

Seeing the commercial car go further and further away, Issac in the dark breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone to call Charlie, and said, “Master, the ladies have already met their family.”

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone, and said, “In this case, you should also go home.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Mr. Issac, you have worked hard from yesterday to now. Take a good rest these two days!”

Issac smiled slightly and said: “I just followed you for a lap in Syria, and I am not tired at all. It’s you, master, don’t mind that I bothered you for these two days.”

Charlie smiled and said, “So I also plan to take a two-day rest.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, it seems that your birthday is also approaching. Do you have any plans?”

Charlie hummed, and said, “Don’t have anything about special about the birthday. Just that day, Sara will over to have a concert. I will accompany my wife to the concert, as it is a birthday celebration.”

Chapter 2787

Throughout Aurous Hill, there are many people who are thinking about Sara’s concert.

Among them, the eldest master of the Su family, Zhifei is the most eager.

At this time, Zhifei did not know the news that his mother and sister are safe.

He was still at the Aurous Hill Olympic Center and was constantly communicating with the venue members about the small details of the concert.

In fact, his company is just the sponsor of Sara’s concert. Generally speaking, this kind of sponsor only needs to pay for it.

The real performance scheduling, stage construction, and promotional materials are all matters of Sara’s own management company.

He has no relationship with half a dime.

However, he quietly reached a cooperation with the venue staff. They clearly leased the venue to Sara’s agency for the concert.

However, Zhifei had already bought it back by spending his own money. Prepare it is all surprises for Sara everywhere in the venue.

Zhifei tried his best to pursue her.

Originally, he wanted to directly buy all the advertising spaces in Shangri-La, but Issac refused.

So he reached a cooperation with the venue and directly rented all the billboards here, including several large LED advertising screens outside the venue, which he quietly rented.

On the day of Sara’s concert, these advertising screens will display courtship posters carefully prepared by Zhifei.

In addition, he also specially customized tens of thousands of lucky bags, which contained glow sticks, light signs, and T-shirts, especially for Sara’s support.

These are all made by Zhifei from the best manufacturer.

In addition to these items to be used in the lucky bag, there is also a color poster.

The content printed on the poster is consistent with the courtship poster that he wants to put on the big screen.

However, he did not reveal his name in the courtship poster. He signed himself in the poster as Mr. S, who loved Sara.

The letter S is naturally the first letter of Zhifei’s surname.

He believed that when Sara sees the content of the courtship poster, she would be able to guess that he did it, but other people would definitely not think of him.

In this way, he would be able to confess to her under the witness of thousands of people, but at the same time he would not reveal his identity, so he could kill two birds with one stone.

Chapter 2788

Moreover, he felt that he took such pains to express his love to Sara in such a grand manner, Sara would definitely be moved by then.

What’s more interesting is that in order to cause a sensation,

Zhifei specially prepared millions of cash, according to the ticket price of each seat of the concert, put the corresponding cash into this seat. In a lucky bag.

This is a way for him to please Sara’s fans.

In his opinion, he passed, and tens of thousands of spectators showed their love to Sara.

Naturally, it would not arouse the disgust of these spectators.

So in his opinion, spending money is the best solution.

Anyway, he will reimburse them for the money they spend to watch the concert. He will woo the goddess through the concert. What can they say?

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of others, may not be any different from being taken advantage of, but to Zhifei, this amount of money is not even a f@rt.

After so much preparation, Zhifei still felt that it was not enough.

He instructed his assistant:

“By the way, I must find the marketing team when the time comes. When the concert audience starts to enter the venue, I will make this a hot topic.

It must be published on Weibo and short video platforms. It must take the top spot on the platform!”

The assistant said without hesitation: “Master, don’t worry, buying hot searches and hot topics are familiar to our team. It’s nothing more than spending a little money.

I will help you realize it when the time comes.”

Zhifei nodded in satisfaction and smiled longingly: “At that time, this mysterious Mr. S will definitely become a hot spot for discussion on the whole network!”

Speaking of this, he suddenly had an idea and blurted out:

“By the way, you have to call a prize-winning event at that time. Under this hot topic, users who support and encourage Mr. S will have the Chance to participate in the lucky draw!”

The assistant hurriedly asked: “Master, how do you set the prizes for the lottery?”

Zhifei smiled and said: “Since I want to have fun with the people, I have to be more generous, so let me draw a first prize, two-second prizes, three third prizes, and the first prize.

It is a Rolls Royce. A Phantom; the second prize is a Bentley Mulsanne; the third prize is a Mercedes-Benz big G!”

The assistant exclaimed: “Master, your drawing is too big…As far as I know, the biggest prize in the online lottery has not exceeded one million…”

Zhifei laughed and said triumphantly:

“It’s just to be big! What a person is 10,000 in cash and tens of hundreds of money, this is too boring, small, not enough to force the topic to the hottest,

so we directly draw tens of millions of luxury cars, and there are six in one draw! At that time, the draw time will be extended a bit, one month!

This month is enough to stir up the heat!”

The assistant quickly agreed and said, “Ok, master, I will let the notary department come out for notarization at that time to ensure that the activity is true and effective, so that netizens can participate boldly and confidently!”

“Okay!” Zhifei nodded in satisfaction, and said: “This matter is left to you. We must fire up the heat to the extreme.

In addition, I will recruit a large number of PR people and push hands to let them. Send me a soft article on the Internet!”

The assistant hurriedly asked: “Master, do you have a designated category and direction for the advertisem*nt?”

“Of course!” Zhifei smiled: “Be sure to find me those famous influencers, internet celebrities, and opinion leaders who are very famous in marriage and love, and it is best to choose more women. Tell them that when writing soft articles,

The tone must be crazy envious of Sara’s care and love for a man with such a heart.

At the same time, she must express his envy for Sara and his love for Mr. S, and create Mr. S’s personality of a peerless good man!”

Chapter 2789

The assistant was also a little excited said:

“When the time comes, I will strengthen a few people to label the mysterious Mr. S, who is infatuated, affectionate, hard-working, and rich! You will definitely become the national hero who is putting the girls crazy and obsessed all over the country!”

Zhifei said with a smile: “The gold content of the two words “National hero is really too low.

These days, all kinds of cats and dogs dare to claim to be national heroes. I still don’t want to grab this title.”

The assistant thought that he had hit the horse’s leg with a flattery, and hurriedly changed his words: “Yes, yes, you, as the young master, can you be compared to those so-called national heroes!”

“By the way, Master, Ms. Sara’s fans give her a nickname “Little girl”, so Miss Gu is a national girl, then you will naturally be a National boy!”

“Hahaha!” Zhifei nodded repeatedly and said happily: “National boy, not bad, not bad, I like this title!”

As he was talking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was his grandfather Elijah who called.

Zhifei felt a little big head.

He knew that his grandfather had been desperately looking for the whereabouts of his mother and sister during this period. Delay him.

In fact, Zhifei has been completely enlightened since talking with his father Zynn.

He is not very interested in finding his mother and sister, because he knows that the best situation right now is that his grandfather’s reputation is completely ruined and he has to push his father Zynn to the stage.

Moreover, because of the mother and younger sister’s affairs, grandpa feels more or less guilty for him and his father, so it is very likely that he will inherit the Su family in the future.

In this case, he really has no motivation to find his mother and sister.

However, he didn’t dare answer his grandpa’s call, so he had no choice but to answer it.

When he was about to ask Grandpa what was going on, Elijah on the other side of the phone asked, “Zhifei, where are you now?”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Grandpa, I’m talking about business, what’s the matter? Do you need me for anything?”

Elijah blurted out: “Come home, your mother and your sister are back!”

Chapter 2790

Zhifei’s entire body became dull as soon as he heard these words.

For more than ten seconds, he was unconscious.

“Zhifei, are you listening to me?” Elijah, on the other end of the line, couldn’t help but ask when he didn’t respond.

“I’m listening, grandpa, you said mother and Zhiyu are back?!?” Zhifei exclaimed. “Really?” he hardly ask.

“Of course!” exclaims the speaker. “Can I still make a joke with this kind of thing?” Elijah asked solemnly. “Please return soon!”

“OK, grandpa, I’ll come back now!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“You stay and continue to connect with the people on the PR side,” he told the assistant as he hung up the phone after speaking.

“First and foremost, I must leave now.”

He dashed out as soon as the voice faded. Zhifei hurriedly wanted to start the car while sitting in it, but he suddenly hesitated.

For dozens of seconds, his entire body was still, and he felt extremely perplexed and contradictory in his mind.

He had no idea whether his mother and sister had returned safely at this point, or whether this was a good or bad thing.

To be honest, he has always had a wonderful relationship with his mother and sister, and he was sometimes overjoyed.

But there was another uncontrollable thought in his mind.

“Zhifei!” the thought was telling him. Returning with your mother and sister is certainly not a good idea! Remember your grandfather, the old man who is addicted to money and influence, and the explanation for the gifts he now offers you and your father.

In the end, he is doing well and showing vulnerability to you because he is now notorious and feels guilty.”

“If your mother and sister return safely and seem to be in good health, the world’s scorn for your grandfather will be relieved!”

After all, there’s a big difference between someone who is dead and someone who isn’t!”

“Once the two of them return safely, the spit and rage directed at your grandfather will inevitably dissipate, and they will even be forgotten over time!”

“In that case, your grandfather will be able to regain the public’s interest and reasonably recover the Su Family Patriarch’s identity.”

At that point, you and your father will once again be his two orphaned sons!”

“Moreover, at that point, he will no longer feel responsible for you and your father!”

You and your father will lose all of your advantages as well!

Chapter 2791

“More importantly, because they fled at your grandfather’s hands, your mother and sister will never forgive your grandfather in this life, and they will even freely turn their faces with your grandfather, or even turn their faces toward you.”

“What will you do at that point?”

Your grandfather no longer feels responsible for you, and your mother and sister view him as an adversary, engaging in various confrontations with him or openly attacking him. You will undoubtedly be implicated at that moment!”

“No one will give the Patriarchship to the enemy’s son, the enemy’s brother…”

Zhifei got irritated just thinking about it!

It was also at this point that his heart’s balance moved slightly.

As a result, he unconsciously took out his phone and dialed Chengfeng’s number, who was worried about Zynn’s whereabouts.

At the time, Chengfeng was gloomy.

Zynn, his eldest son, has been missing for more than 12 hours after he went missing in the morning.

He didn’t find any useful hints in those 12 hours.

Zynn, like his younger brother Shoude, seemed to vanish from the face of the earth.

Although the Wade Family was suspicious, Zynn was self-defeating in that he gave the Wade Family a good excuse to throw the pot, so he did not dare to push the Wade Family any further.

Zhifei called at this precise moment.

“Zhifei, have you found a hint to your father?” he asked, a little irritably on the phone.

Zhifei was taken aback and asked, “Grandpa, what are you talking about? Are you looking for details about your father? What’s the matter with father?”

Chengfeng only realized this after Zynn’s crash, when he realized he hadn’t been aware of Zhifei for the whole day.

As a result, even though Zhifei was in Aurous Hill, he was unaware that his father had vanished.

“Zhifei, there is bad news, your father is missing…” he sighed.

Chapter 2792

“What are you talking about?”

Zhifei was taken aback and exclaimed,

“Grandpa, you…what do you mean?”

“My father is fine; why would he suddenly vanish?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Your father concealed his identity and lived peacefully in Shangri-La in Aurous Hill,”

Chengfeng said frankly. He planned to find an opportunity to meet Ito Takehiko of the Ito family, but there is no news since this morning.

“All of his men have disappeared.”

“Ah?” says the voice.

Zhifei had black spots in front of his eyes, dizziness in his head, and was on the verge of collapsing.

“How could this be…” Zhifei muttered incoherently to himself.

“The whole thing is really weird,” Chengfeng said helplessly.

“I haven’t yet discovered any useful information. However, I believe it has a lot to do with the disappearance of your second uncle.

It’s possible that it was done by the same guy. There should be some kind of connection with the Wade family as well.

After all, your father was injured in the Wade family’s hotel, and Aurous Hill is the Wade family’s domain.”

“Grandpa, could it be the Wade family?” Zhifei hurriedly inquired.

He was still with him when the second uncle had an accident, and the other party might get the second uncle away under Master Luther’s nose.

“Wade’s family shouldn’t have such a master, right?” I remember thinking.

“Hey…this is something I haven’t worked out yet,” Chengfeng sighed.

It appears to be inextricably linked to the Wade Family, but when you think about it, the Wade Family doesn’t seem to merit such strength…”

“However, I have sent someone to look for it,” he said again after speaking.

I’ll go to any extent to find clues. In Aurous Hill, you will eagerly await my news.

You can also inquire there if you have any sources. Look for any noteworthy hints.”

“All right…” Zhifei was annoyed and grudgingly agreed.

“I have a headache, so I won’t talk to you anymore,” Chengfeng said again at this point. I’ll keep you informed of any developments.”

“Okay grandpa, then you first have a nice rest and take care of your body…” Zhifei murmured absently.

He quickly recalled what Grandpa had said and hurriedly said, “Grandpa, don’t hang up the phone!” as he spoke.

“What’s the matter?” Chengfeng inquired. “Are you all right?”

“My grandfather just called me, and he said that mother and sister have returned!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“What are you talking about?” Chengfeng burst with joy and shouted,

“Your mother and sister are back?”

What exactly do you mean when you say they are returning?

“How did they get back?” “Where were they?”

“Grandfather didn’t say anything specific, but they were in Aurous Hill,” Zhifei hurriedly explained.

They just called and asked him to pick them up right away.

Mother and Zhiyu should probably have gone back to Du’s old house in Aurous Hill.”

“How is this possible?”

Chengfeng screamed, turning up the stormy sea in his heart.

“How in the world is this even possible?”

“Zhifei, where are you now?!” he hurriedly inquired.

“I am at the Aurous Hill Olympic Center, and I am going back to the old house to take a look!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“Go!” exclaimed Chengfeng. Check out what’s going on!”

Chapter 2793

After hanging up the phone, Chengfeng felt black for a while.

Anson on the side hurried forward and asked cautiously:

“Master… Liona and Missy, have they really returned to Du’s house?!”

Chengfeng rubbed his temples, nodded weakly, and sighed, “Anson, things seem to have gone to the worst…”

Anson asked quickly: “Master, why are you saying this?”

Chengfeng sighed: “Hey…All of this is extremely consistent with my worst assumptions before.

Things have started to develop in the direction I least want to see.

The Su family is really going to be in big trouble this time!”

Anson asked in surprise: “Master… Have you previously guessed that their wives will be safe?”

“Yes…” Chengfeng rubbed his temples and said weakly:

“I thought that even if they were rescued, it would be difficult for them to survive such a serious car accident.

Maybe when the other party took them away, There were already two corpses, but I did not expect that they would actually survive, and the other party put will them back, which proves that the mysterious person behind not only has hands and eyes open to the sky but also stood by them.…”

Anson asked again:

“Then… Is this mysterious person related to the disappearance of the young master and the second young master?!”

Chengfeng nodded: “There must be a relationship!”

Anson looked shocked, and said, “Master, we have investigated Aurous Hill before. The city has nothing to do with Crouching Tiger, or a Hidden Dragon.

It is nothing more than a few local companies and families, and Issac from the Wade family seems to be the most powerful. In terms of size, how could it be possible to cultivate such a powerful person? Even the Wade Family does not have this ability.

If the Wade Family really has this ability, after Changying’s death, they would not be able to crush and beat the Su family for so many years!”

Chengfeng’s expression was dignified, and he said coldly: “I now suspect that this mysterious person is not from Aurous Hill at all, and may not even be from China!”

Chapter 2794

“What?!” Anson was even more horrified:

“It’s not from China? Where would it be? Is it from abroad?!

It can’t be the Ruthschild family, right?

The Ruthschild family hates the Wade family. Yes, in this case, they will never be able to deal with us, because once our strength is weakened, the Wade family will definitely be strengthened…

How could the Ruthschild family sit back and watch the Wade family fishermen profit?”

As he said, Anson continued to analyze:

“Changying’s wife’s family is indeed very powerful, but in my impression, An family has always looked down upon the Wade Family. Back then, An’s pearl of the hand married into the Wade Family. An’s were said to be very furious.”

Chengfeng waved his hand and sighed: “It’s not the Ruthschild family or An’s, but the Japanese Chinese!”

“Japanese Chinese?!” Anson was even more surprised:

“Master, the largest family in Japan is the Ito family. Among the top four families, there is no Chinese family, and even the first Ito family in Japan does not have power comparable to us. Its comprehensive strength is not that strong.”

“You don’t understand.” Chengfeng said: “This strength does not necessarily refer to economic strength, but strength in force!”

After talking, Chengfeng said again: “At the beginning, Zhifei and Zhiyu were kidnapped by the Matsumoto family in Japan.

Several top ninjas guarded them. After killing them, they would throw their bodies to Ito’s residence in Kyoto.

The whole plan was designed.

The clothes were perfect, but in the end, these top ninjas were killed by a Chinese youth who we don’t know where he came from…”

Anson exclaimed: “Master, you suspect that it was the mysterious Chinese youth who saved Liona and Missy this time?!”

Chengfeng said annoyedly: “I don’t want him to be the same 10,000 in my mind, but now it seems that he can basically nail it…

Besides this person, who else has such a strong ability to be able to deal with that car accident and rescue Liona and Zhiyu?

Except for this person, who can abduct Shoude without showing off under our guard’s nose?

Except for this person, who can make Zynn disappear?!”

Anson blurted out:

“Master, if this is the case, then your personal safety must be strengthened!

Otherwise, if this person wants to act on you and our defensive power is not strong enough, we are not going to be opponents at all… …”

Chapter 2795

Chengfeng nodded repeatedly, and said in agreement:

“Yes! The biggest problem now is that our military strength is severely insufficient. The He family has withdrawn.

Only some other bodyguards are in the hospital.

I am afraid that it will be unbearable in front of the mysterious man. If he hits suddenly……”

With that said, he immediately told Anson: “Anson! You will fly to Northeast Desert City right now!”

Anson exclaimed: “Go to Mocheng? Master, you let me see Luther He?!”

“Yes!” Chengfeng said:

“Go to see Luther, and apologize to him about Ruoli’s affairs on my behalf, and tell him that if the He family is willing to continue to serve the Su family regardless of the past, I can give them for a year two billion yuan!”

“Two billion a year?!” Anson said dumbfounded: “Master, the remuneration we gave them before has increased from 200 million a year to 600 million.

To be honest, this amount is already very high. If it rises to two billion all at once, this is more than a three-fold increase!”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “What does it count even if it goes to triple?

The key is that the most important thing is to solve the urgent needs! Now there is a powerful enemy after the Su family, who is invisible and intangible.

If I don’t defend myself, someday, I will also be arrested by the other party. Isn’t the Su family finished?”

Anson hurriedly bowed and said, “Master, I understand! I will set off now and go to Mocheng to see Luther, the head of the He family!”

Chengfeng nodded, directly wrote a one-billion-dollar cash check, handed it to Anson, and said: “Take this check with you, hand it to Luther, and tell him whether he accepts my invitation or not, he can keep the cheque.”

After a pause, Chengfeng said again: “If he accepts the invitation, it is considered that I prepaid 50% of his salary; if he does not accept it, then the money is considered to be my compensation to the He family, in Ruoli’s matter. After all, I am sorry for them.”

Anson couldn’t help but said, “Master, if Luther really chooses the latter, wouldn’t these billions of dollars be meat buns for the dogs?”

Chengfeng shook his head and said: “You don’t understand, most people who learn martial arts have a sense of arrogance, especially those who have made great achievements in martial arts like Luther, even more so! I understand Luther’s character.

He is destined to choose to reject my invitation completely, or accept it directly, it is impossible to choose to take the money and not do anything, so this is just polite and win him more favors.”

Anson hurriedly said: “Okay master, I understand, then I will start!”

Chengfeng nodded slightly and said,

“Go, there is no airport in Mocheng. You have to arrange the helicopters at nearby airports in advance, so as to save time as much as possible.”

“OK, lord!”

Chapter 2796

Just when Zhifei drove back to the Du’s old house, and Anson set off for the airport overnight, the Du’s old house at this time had become a sea of ​​joy.

The brothers and sisters of the Du family have been cultivated to be exceptionally united under the guidance of their father since they were young.

In fact, regardless of whether brothers and sisters are close relatives, in the final analysis, in most families with children, it is difficult for the relationship between children to be absolutely intimate.

Especially when the children are all grown-ups, and after their respective families start their own businesses, the big family with brothers and sisters is naturally less important than the small family with wives and children.

Therefore, in real life and on the TV, we can often see that brothers and sisters turn their faces because of the fight for family property, or quarrel and even fight because of parental issues.

Moreover, this is not only true of the poor but even more so for the rich.

However, the brothers and sisters of the Du family are really twisted into a rope.

Liona had an accident, and her brothers and sisters put aside everything in their hands, regardless of all costs, just to find her and her daughter.

Now that she has finally returned safely, these brothers and sisters are naturally extremely happy!

The eldest sister Haya had asked the chef to cook a new table, and she was waiting for her sister and niece to come, and the family to have a good celebration.

But when they came back, Haya couldn’t even care about her sister’s dinner.

She hugged the sister, and suddenly cried into tears.

The family surrounded the mother and the daughter and asked them endlessly. The questions were also very concentrated.

They just wanted to know who took them away after they had a car accident in the tunnel. Where did they go after they were taken away?

And they must have been severely injured in the car accident, so who on earth was healing this injury?

Chapter 2797

Liona faced the problems of her family and lied against her will: “Actually, Zhiyu and I still don’t know who saved us. After the car accident, we were almost unconscious when we woke up. We were already lying in a ward, and we can’t see anything related to the name of the hospital in the ward.

The doctors who came to treat us also wore masks and could not recognize who they were.”

Renel hurriedly asked her: “Then have you remembered the surrounding environment, for example, what are the distinctive buildings outside the window?”

“No.” Liona shook her head and said: “In our ward, the windows were covered with opaque black glass film.

Nothing could be seen, Zhiyu and I have been in the room during this period. We eat and drink, and provide all the daily necessities we need, but they just don’t let us leave.”

Elijah asked in surprise: “Then how did they let you leave now?”

“I don’t know.” Liona lied: “They suddenly brought me and Zhiyu out, and then gave me a mobile phone to let me contact the family, and then I called you.”

Elijah frowned and pondered: “This thing sounds strange. The person who saved you should be very powerful.

He rescued you. He gave you treatment. In the end, even the identity not revealed.

He didn’t want to disclose, and he released you back without any conditions. I can’t figure out why he is busy with this big circle…”

Simon said, “Dad, maybe the other party is the opponent of the Su family. They couldn’t understand what the Su family did, so they rescued Liona and Zhiyu.”

Elijah asked:

“The opponent of the Su family? Who?

The Wade family? Although the Wade family is ranked second, how can they have this kind of ability?”

Simon nodded slightly: “Dad’s words are reasonable… Wade family should not be able to bear this…”

After speaking, he hurriedly asked Liona again: “Liona, you and Zhiyu have been rescued for so long, haven’t you found any clues?”

Liona quickly said: “I haven’t left the ward these days. I only saw doctors and nurses, but the doctors and nurses didn’t tell us anything.”

Simon asked again: “The person who saved you never showed up?”

Liona said, “No, he didn’t want to expose his identity.”

Elijah didn’t have much doubt, and sighed: “It seems that the knights are not only in the novels of Old legends but also in real life.”

As he said, he suddenly thought of something and asked Zhiyu: “By the way, Zhiyu, when you and Zhifei were in Japan, you were also saved by a mysterious man?”

“Yes…” Zhiyu said hurriedly: “Thanks to my benefactor that time, otherwise, my brother and I would be dead in the hands of Japanese ninjas.”

Chapter 2798

Elijah sighed sincerely: “One person can easily kill multiple ninjas. This is really amazing. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a hero!”

After speaking, he hurriedly asked again with a flash of inspiration: “By the way, could he be the one who saved you this time?”

Zhiyu vaguely said: “This…I can’t say this. After all, I haven’t seen the true content, but it’s possible…”

Elijah nodded and said: “This man has his own motives to help you, anyway, it’s okay!”

After that, he poured himself a glass of wine and said loudly: “Come! Let’s have a drink together to celebrate the safe return of Liona and Zhiyu!”

The whole family was also excited, and one after another they picked up their wine glasses.

At this moment, Zhifei ran in quickly.

“Mom! Zhiyu!”

Seeing his mother and sister sitting at the dining table intact, Zhifei yelled subconsciously.

However, he was not so excited in his heart.

Even, a little lost.

Seeing his mother and sister in peace, he knew in his heart that he would lose a huge advantage in front of his grandfather Chengfeng.

He has feelings for his mother and sister in his heart.

However, in the face of the Su family’s trillions of wealth, feelings did seem a little pale.

The greater the immediate benefits, the weaker the family relationship.

This is the characteristic of mankind since ancient times.

In ancient times, countless royal family fratricides occurred across the world.

It is not uncommon among the royal family that fathers kill sons, sons kill fathers, and even brothers kill each other.

It’s not that they really have no affection.

On the contrary, family affection is really not worth mentioning in the face of huge benefits.

If it is placed in a poor house, the two brothers’ three-square-acre land for their parents may turn their faces, and they may stay out of each other for a lifetime, but it is difficult to kill the brother because of one-square-acre land.

However, when this three-acre land became the power and wealth of the entire kingdom, the brotherhood and family affection became less important.

Zhifei’s heart at this time, the loss and disappointment are far greater than that point of comfort.

However, he was hiding it pretty well, and no one was able to see anything unusual.

When Zhiyu saw him, her eyes reddened immediately.

Almost without thinking, she stood up, ran in front of Zhifei, and plunged into his arms, crying and said, “Brother… I thought I would never see you in this life…”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2781-2800 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.